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Rosé POV
       Here I am watching the sunset and letting all my tears to fall. I want to take all the pain out of me, my heart broke into pieces. I wish all goodbyes is just like the sunset it'll leave but it will not hurt because you know that you will be able to see the sun again tomorrow.
"Chaeng please let me expl..." Lisa didn't finish what she's saying because I slap her in her face.

"Why did you have to do this to me Lisa? Why did you cheat? Is she prettier than me? Sexier? Is it because she's famous? Or she's good in bed more than me? Tell me did she make you moan more than I do?"



"Rosé please I'm sorry I..."


"I don't know too I-i d-don't know w-why i-it's just a m-mistake i-i'm s-sorry" she said crying.

"Mistake? Just a fucking mistake!? It's not a mistake Lisa. You choose to cheat on me and play a fire with her and now you're telling me it's just a mistake. Fuck you!!" I shout crying.

"I'm sorry"

"I can't accept your apology you know it's better to end this relationship"

"What? No! Please babe no! Please give another chance I'll promise I'll change I'll fix everything please don't leave me" she said kneeling down and crying.

"I can't give you another chance Lisa you hurt me and it breaks me so much right now I don't know how to move forward after this. I trust you once but you decided to broke it how can I still be able to be with you if I always think on how you cheat? Even if we still give this a chance it'll not work we will just ended up hurting each so letting go is a better choice for the both of us "

" Please let me prove myself again to you "Lisa said begging.

" Can't you see? We already fall apart we can't go back to normal and act as if none of these happened, things changed.  I'm admitting that I have a mistakes too, I always had a fight with you everytime we talked and that's why I came because I wanted to fix all of that, I wanted to fix us I came here for you because I love you and I don't want to lose you but I guess it's a wrong idea because I just broke my own heart when I came here. Earlier when I saw you kissing with her there's a part of me wishing it's not you, wishing all of these is just a dream but I can't convinced myself  I can't change the fact. At the very firt moment you cheated you've already choose to end us and it hurts because you made me realized that I'm not enough because you still find another. Have you ever considered me and my feelings when you're cheating on me? "


"Then why did you still do it? Are you enjoying these? Seeing me like this? Did you wanted to broke my heart? Because if it's yes then congratulation you succeed"

"No I don't want to hurt you"

"Let's end this"

"No please don't do this"

"But I have to you have to let me go"

"No I will not"

"I'm sorry Lisa" and with that I left her crying.
End of flashback
"Why did this happens to me why!?" I shout while crying then suddenly I heard a music coming from afar and when at there I saw a group of teenager sitting in a form of circle feeling the song coming from a big speaker beside them.

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