The Newcomer

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It seemed like any other day at school.

Second period, sitting in Mrs. Wilson's algebra class. Being bored as always, listen to her talk about how we always waste time and need to get things done. Yet she's the one procrastinating.

I acted like i was extending my arm to rest my head, secretly passed my best friend Carly a note.

We were talking about how this kid I like, who by the way is one if the hottest seniors, messaged me on Twitter. Carly got her phone taken away because she went over her data. So until she earns that money, her parents aren't giving it back. How harsh. I would die. So because of that, i couldn't tell her about it.

I continued to act like I was listening to whatever Mrs. Wilson was saying. Even though i was trying to pay attention to infront me so I was ready to grab the note she would pass back to me. And that is when Mrs. Wilson's phone rang. She said hello, paused for a moment, then said 'Alrighty' and hung the phone back on the wall. Then she began to turn back around.

"Class, today we're getting a new student. His name is Dean Harris. Now i'm sure you all know the drill by now." She said, very boringly.

And almost as on cue, the who class said "Yes." Like they were robots. All monotone and dragged out. Kinda creepy actually.

I swear, we get a new kid every month. I guess it's a safe place for parents to send their kids. Mostly we get weird kids whose parents wanted to get away from civilization, and then we get the occasional fuck up. Everyone tries to ignore them.

I mean, it's not like I would talk to them anyways, but if I did, i would probably ignore them.

About a minute passed Mrs. Wilson stopped talking. She looked towards the door and we heard the click of it beginning to open. We heard the squeak as it sung open. And all at once, the whole class said "Hi Dean Harris."

It was always awkward when we did it. I think for both us, and the new student. For us because, we really don't care and we know it makes the other person feel awkward. And it's obviously awkward for them because he has NO CLUE who any of us are and we're greeting him like a bunch of freaks.

But this time, it was even more awkward. He didn't smile, didn't laugh, or even stand there awkwardly. NO.

He just walked straight to the left corner desk and leaned back like it was his couch.

Like, HELLLO! You're a new kid. You're not suppose to feel at home yet bud.

Every time someone turned back to look at him, he gave them this nasty as look. Like if they looked one more time he would snap them in half.

It was quite scary actually.

He had that "rebel without a cause" look. Which i found over rated and annoying.

And then he caught me staring. Which was pretty easy to do since he was RIGHT next to me. But he didn't give me one of those "fuck off" looks. He smirked.

As if me looking at him was a good thing.

Like he enjoyed it.


Black v-neck tee, black leather jacket, and dark ripped jeans. The usual tough guy look. I also noticed that he had a dark, leather saddle-like bag. Which was odd because bad boys usually either carried their books, or never used them in the first place.

I immediately redirected my eyes to Carly who was waving the note back and forth, clearly trying to get my attention. I snatched it from her hands real quick. Not even trying to be quiet about it.


Mrs. Wilson looked my way. "Ms. Scaplen, would you like to share what that note says with everyone please? I'm sure it's really important since you're bothering all of us with the noise." She said, rudely.

"No Mrs. Wilson, it's fine. Really. I'll just throw it away." I said trying to get out of the bad situation i knew i was already in.

I rose from my seat, walked to the recycling bin, riped it up into a couple pieces, and sat back down.

I could tell she had watched me the whole way because when i sat down. Her eyes were fixated on me, and well as the whole class. Great.

After class, me and Carly were headed out to the parking lot for lunch. Every day we went to the same restaurant for lunch. It was sort of like the Olive Garden, only a small, family owned italian restaurant. You could say we were 'healthy girls'. I mean, it's not like we kept track of carbs and stuff. But we tried to stay away from junky stuff.

We usually ate salads for lunch. Occasionally i would get a sandwich or some soup. That was hardly ever though. Mostly when i was feeling down. Which was probably 1/4 parts of a whole month. And no, not because of my period. But because of my douchebag of a boyfriend.

Okay, i can admit. Lucas is sweet most of the time. But he is really over protective and sometimes tries to control me. I mean, sometimes i like when he is protective. But i'll be having a perfectly normal conversation with one of his jock friends and he'll slam him up against a locker or a car. I mean, that's taking it a little to extremes.

So anyways, after i got my almost usual chicken caesar salad, and Carly her vegetarian style with italian dressing, we headed back to school. And that's when i saw him.

Standing in the MIDDLE of OUR parking space.

Like what the legitimate fuck.

We go closer and i got out. "Can you move?" I said. Then noticing how rude i had said it. "Please?"

"Yeah, if you can just answer one question." He stated.

Oh great.. Here we go.

"Sure, Dean." At this, he looked shocked that i actually remembered his name. I'v always been good with names now that i come to think of it.

"I saw you get on the bus this morning.." He started. Oh great, what. Is he a stalker or something that hides behind the bushes? "From my truck. I was about to pull of of my driveway." he said. "And i just wanted to know where you live, because i think we could be neighbors. And i could give you a lift to and from school if you want."

This is just fucking AWESOME. Bad boy is my neighbor. Just what i need. I already didn't feel safe enough in my neighborhood with the LaChances a couple houses away and now i have to deal with this punk. Great.

"No." I said with so much attitude i was surprised. "I mean no thank you. I never need a ride, my boyfriend drives me."

"Oh, well alright then. Just thought i'd offer. Now tell me, if you don't mind me asking, how long have you and this boyfriend been going out? I mean, he might not be worthy enough to drive you." At this, i was caught off guard.

"For your information, we have been together for a little over a year. So i'm pretty confident he's worthy. Thanks though." I said like a total snob. I mean, yeah i was pretty and all. But i never got people hit on this bad before. I hope he isn't one of those creepy stalkers that watches my every move.

Just thinking about it gave me the shivers.

"Alright then, i bet he hasn't proved it to you yet." And that was the last thing he said to me. He looked at me with an odd glance. And smiled.

Why was he smiling?! I was just a total bitch trying to get him to get away and he's smiling.

Plan = backfired.

~I hope you guys like it so far! I know it's not the best, and not very descriptive. Hope you stick around for the rest! Thank you to whoever is reading!~

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