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April's P.O.V.

My back hurt.

I wiggled my body to awaken it. I stretched my legs and found that I could only use so much force due to how sore my body was. It ached. I clenched at the pain and agony.

I opened my eyes to find I was in a white room. A hospital. I managed to sit up a little to wake myself up.

I waited for a few moments until I saw a nurse walk by.

"Excuse me!" I called out to a women with red, curly hair. She turned to me.

"Yes?" She asked kindly.

"Do you know if a Dean Harris is here also?" I asked politely, trying to find out how I ended up here.

"Yes, he's right down the hall. You're allowed to move about you know, we only had to keep you over night due to police matters." She said smiling. "Do you want me to bring you to him?"

Police matters? What the fuck?

"Uhm, yeah. Thanks." I said idiotically.

She smiled, walked my way and pulled my sheets down.

She began to help me but I didn't really need it. I was independent enough to walk down the friggin hall lady.

"I've got it, thanks." I said, and she let go of my arm.

"It's room 73, to your right." She said, sort of scared.

I nodded and made my way to his room.

When I looked into his room, I saw my mom sitting next to him. She looked at me and did her priceless half smile.

He was sleeping. He look pretty beat up. Literally.

A big bandage on his head, and bruises and cuts everywhere.

I walked over to my mom.

"Is he okay?" I asked softly.

"Yeah." She said a little bit louder than me. "He has minor concussion but he's gonna be okay."

"Where are his parents?" I asked her caringly, but she didn't answer right away.

"They didn't want to come. They got the call, so I went next door to see if they wanted to ride with me, but they said he was old enough to take care of himself and that they no longer considered themselves his parents."

"That terrible.." I trailed off, thinking about how horrible they are to treat their son like a dog thrown out in the streets.

And as if on cue, Dean woke up.

He immediately put his hand on his head, wincing at the pain brought upon him.

I walked over to the edge of the bed and knelt down.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" He said, smiling back at me and grabbing my hand.

Then my mom budded in.

"Dean, sweetie, you have a conccusion. You're gonna have to take it easy for a while." She took a breath in. "I know your parents don't want you home.. but you're welcome to stay with us as long as you need."

"Thanks Ms. Scaplen, that's really nice of you. I'd love to stay with you guys." Dean said, then releasing a big sigh of relief.

"The doctor said you can leave as soon as you feel comfortable. They just need you to sign some papers and then we're free to go. Whenever you're ready." My mom said to Dean in an encouraging voice.

"Well, I'm ready whenever you guys are."


The ride home was mostly silent. Except for the occasional cough, which mainly perceived from Dean. The hospital we were transported to was an hour away from our house.

Which i don't understand because there was one right by house house.

Suddenly the car shifted, and Dean and I slid across the black leather seats.

I lifted my head up from the resting position I had it in against the window.

"Mom, what are we going towards the center?" I asked confused. Seeing as how our house was the other direction and I didn't know we had to make a stop before we returned home.

"I have to pick up Dean's prescription, I'll only be a minute, then I'll drop you guys off so you can rest." My mom said while turning into the run down, local pharmacy.

"What do you mean drop us off?" I spoke to my mom quickly. But I guess her brain decided to ignore me and shut the door instead.

With the somewhat loud sound of the metal door shutting, Dean's head rose as well.

"Well good morning sleepy boy. How's your head?" I said softly, trying not to jostle his brain too much. Seeing as how it was bruised already, I don't want to make it any worse for him.

"Hurts like a mother fucker." He said, rubbing his forehead gently. "Speaking of mothers, where's yours?"

"Inside getting your meds so you aren't complaining every two seconds at home." I said laughing.

"Right, right. Because I'm the one to complain about things." He said chuckling, but suddenly stopping. Looking behind me with a curious look on his face. Almost like he was disgusted.

I looked behind me, and understood Dean's look. In fact, I'm sure I have the same look on my face right now.

Joe and Vince were pretending to punch each other and throw things at each other. They were part of Lucas's little 'group'. They started laughing and throwing rocks at our car. I went to open the door but Dean threw his arm around me.

"April, don't even bother. We're not that low."

I thought about it for a minute, but my thought was broken by the sound of screams and yells.

My mom.


On you too? Wut?

The two rebels immediately backed away and got into their car, then drove off.

I watched my mom slowly step towards our car. As soon as she shut the door, I began to speak.


This is not happening. This is NOT happening.

"April, don't freak out. The lawyer I got for you and Dean is a good one. He said that we have enough evidence to convict Lucas for attempted murder. We just have to show up in court on the 29th of June. " My mom said in a calming voice, which helped me make sense of this a whole lot better.


I'm a 17 year old girl from Oxford California.

I should not be in court trying to charge my ex-boyfriend with attempted murder.

We began our drive home, which seemed like the longest drive ever.

All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and fall asleep for a week. That's all.

I just want a break. From everything.


Hey guys! Sorry for the late update, but as usual, I've been busy! Seeing as how it's near June 29th, guess what else is coming up? April and Dean's prom! KEep reading for all the juicy gossip and surprises!

Stay fabulous!


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