Travis is Home, Great.

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"OKAY MOM! I GET IT!" I heard Travis yell from the living room.

I feel bad for my neighbors. I mean, yeah. They yell sometimes. But when my mom finds out my brother was out drinking and shit all night, she's not a happy camper.

"No Travis, you don't get it. I have told you millions of times, no more drinking, smoking, parties, NONE. And what do you do? You go and do it. God, do you ever listen?" My mom started to ramble on and on.

You're a horrible child Travis.. You're a mistake.. Yada yada.

The usual "I hate you" speech she gives.

And she wonders why he acts out, uhm, you cause it mom. Get yourself together for once. Please, it would do us all a huge favor.

But of course, she has no common sense.

*Like any teenager would say about their parents.*

I'm serious. you would think she would put together the puzzle pieces by now.

God damn.

I stood up and stomped to my door. "COULD YOU GUYS QUIT FIGHTING? IT'S ANNOYING." i yelled from the top of the stairs.

They both shut up.

Thank god.

I walked back over to my bed which Carly was still laying on. Then i heard my phone vibrate.

"Hey, do you and Carly want to come to the mall with me and Gavin? Scream out the window for yes, and ignore for no ;)" Dean's text said.

Well, Why not? It's a saturday and we have nothing better to do.

I told Carly and we both walked to the window, opened it, stuck out head outs and started screaming broody murder towards Deans house. We heard yelling as Dean and Gavin stumbed to the window blocking their ears.

"JESUS! I meant scream yes, not like you were about to get stabbed!" he yelled over our screams, while trying to get his ears to function correctly by banging his head on his hand.

D'awwwwwh, that's so cute.

Ew, no what am I talking about? There is nothing cute about a guy hitting himself.

But with Dean, it was cute.

No April, shush.

I caught myself smiling and staring at him. Woopsies!

"Give me and Carly like, 30 minutes to get dressed and we'll meet you outside.

"Alright sweetheart." He said with a smirk.


Did my super hot neighbor just called me SWEETHEART?!

No, I'm obviously dreaming.

"April, are you okay?" Carly asked, while shacking my back and forth by my shoulders.

"What? Umh, yeah." I said awkwardly smiling, snapping out of my day dream.

After i threw on a pair of ripped jean shorts and a off the shoulder, light pink t-shirt and a pair of gladiator sandals. Carly came walking out of the bathroom.

"Carls, are you gonna get ready or?" I asked, a little confused at to why she wasn't even half way ready yet.

"Yeah, calm your tits. I was changing my tampon and pooping. Chill." She said a little grumpily. I laughed as she threw on a cute white, lace tank top, ripped jean shorts like me, and a pair of Vans.

She could totally pull off that look. She had long, blond wavy beach hair. Crystal blue eyes. I had almost the same features, except I am a bit taller than her, and I have brown hair and green eyes. She was practically a living, breathing, Barbie.

Except she had a couple freckles.

And was a little shorter.

But hey, no one's perfect.

I brushed out my hair, and threw on a bit of mascara. I fiddled with my jewelery tree trying to remove a silver necklace. I loved this necklace.

I had a weakness for infinity symbols and feathers. And this necklace had both. Silver feather inner-twinned to make an infinity symbol. Perfection at best.

Just kidding, perfection at SECOND best.

Dean has officially made it to number one on the perfection scale. After i saw his abs, boy oh boy, he sky-rocketed to the top of that list.

"April..?" Carly said laughing. "Think inside you head baby girl." She fell to the floor laughing.

Shit, all that was out loud?

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at her jokingly as i threw a hair clip at her. Which she freaked out over, and knocked me off of the chair i was sitting on.

And here we go again, more whistling.

"Hey ladies, i know we make you a little wild, but since this happened a second time, I'm starting to think you're doing this for our pleasure." Gavin said jokingly through the windows.

"Very funny Gavin. Now, unless you two want to be going to the mall alone, I suggest you be quiet." Carly yelled back to them.

They both shut up immediately and turned away to continue getting ready.

When i finished gathering my things which consisted of my purse, phone, and sunglasses, Carly and I made our way down my stairs.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked.

"Out." I said with almost mo emotion as i grabbed a Vitamin Water out of the fridge and tossed one to Carly.

"Well where is 'out'?" My mom asked again.

"The mall, is that alright with you?" I said with a shit ton of attitude.

"Yeah, i guess. Be back by dinner though!" She yelled after us when we were halfway out the door.

"Kay Ms. Scaplen!" Carly yelled.

I walked down the few steps outside my door and to my car.

"Hey cuties!" Dean yeled from his driveway.

I'm not so good with awkward situations,so when this sort of thing happens, i just laugh and leave it to Carly.

"Awh, thanks boys. You're not to shabby yourself." With this, Carly smiled back at them, as did I.

I hopped into the driver's seat of my Ford Focus, Carly in the passenger's seat. Dean and Gavin jumped up into his red Chevy pick up truck.

Man, it was sexy.

Not to mention he had a motorcycle too.

Hotness times two.

Both our cars pulled out of the driveways, but Dean's was leading us to the mall.

We pulled onto the highway and we were off.

~Hope you like it so far! Stuff is coming up in the next chapter so be ready! Any guesses? :D Let me know what you think!~

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