Mommy's Home

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My mom knocked on the door. I got up form the couch, where me and Carly were sitting watching Criminal Minds.

I unlocked the door and my mom threw her bags to the side.

She looked like absolute hell. I mean,my mom was pretty and all, but she was a mess.

"Sorry sweetie, i had the late shift. I forgot to tell you and your brother." My mom said, then extended one of her arms that didn't contain her purse and gave me a hug. It was pretty tight for being with one arm.

"It's alright mom. Speaking of Travis, where is he?" I asked my mom.

"He told me he was home with you and Carly.." My mom said nervously. I gave her an odd look. "You're kidding me. This friggin kid.." Then she walked to the kitchen and picked up the phone angrily.

Well, i guess this was a good opportunity to bring Carly in to my room to tell her about Lucas. We took the blankets and pillows up the stairs. Then she plugged in her phone and slipped into a pair of jean shorts.

"Carly, you'll never guess what Lucas did.." I said.

"What? Did he finally figure out that you were way out of his league and he gave up?" She said, and snickered at her own joke. Though i wasn't laughing. So she gave me a confused look.

"Close." I said, looking down and took a deep breath. "He cheated on me. And to make matters worse, with Haley."

"You're kidding! That no good, cock-sucking, asshole-wiping, good-for-nothing mother FUCKER!" She yelled. Then ran over to me and tackled me.

I swear, my lungs were collapsing. She wasn't heavy or anything, she just hit me with all her force. God damn.

"April, i'm gonna kill him. Don't you worry." She was squeezing my so hard, i'm gonna explode.

"No, don't kill him. And would you be so kind to get off of me?" I said kindly.

What the hell was that? whistling and shouting..? Da fuck?

Oh great, we had an audience.


"Hey girls! So this is what we're gonna get to watch from now on? Now i REALLY like being your neighbor." Dean said jokingly.

Now he thinks i'm lesbian.


"Funny Dean." I said, then closing my shades.

"Are you gonna talk to him?" Carly asked.

"Obviously. I mean, i'm just gonna be straight forward. I don't even want to stay with him anyways. This is an easy way out." I said.

"I've been waiting for you to dump him anyways, and now.. We can get rid of Haley in the process!" She said. I swear we laughed for like a minute.

Haley was one of our stupider friends, and always had to be talking about some one. Which, me and Carly hated. We liked a drama free life, so if we can get rid of someone like that, we're gonna do it.

"April! There's some one on the phone for you! I think it's a boy!" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

Oh great, now she can't tell where my brother is OR gender.

"Coming!" I hollered right back. I jumped down the stairs in twos. I think it's fast like that, but others would disagree.

Twenty bucks this is Dean. He's so damn persistent. Like, leave me alone. I was just with you for like 7 hours, chill bro.

I took the phone out of my mom's hand. "Hello?" I said to the person on the other line.

"Hi, we need to talk."

It was Lucas.


"What do you want? Just leave me alone. K? We're done. OVER." I didn't give him time to respond before i slammed the phone back on the wall.

Well that was a relief. It's like someone took the shackles off me. I'M FREE BITCHES!

I looked over to my mom, who was giving me an obvious confused look.

"What was that April? Call and apologize. That was rude and un-lady-like." She said sternly.

"Well, he isn't too much of a gentleman either." I snobbed back at her.

"Now April, that sweet boy has been nothing but caring and loving towards you. Hell, more than your dad ever was. Now you call and apologize." She said again, standing her ground.

"Well at least dad didn't cheat on you, he just walked away instead." And with that, I turned on my heal and made my way back to my room.

*Metaphorically breaking the ground my mom she was standing on*

I gripped the doorknob and turned it slowly. Carly was leaning against the back of my bed with my iPad in her hands. Totally entranced in the Internet world. Yeah, Twitter is basically our life.

Twitter is the alternate reality that is a perfect world by the way.

"Well you sure didn't let down Lucas easy. I mean, he cheated and all. But you're never that mean to people, even if they were being an ass in the first place. it's just not you. And you never talk to your mom like that, you're always a little sweetheart so she buys you shit." Carly said while laughing moving her eyes away from the device and met mine.

"Hey, that man whore deserved it." I said, laughing as well, and fell onto my back on my bed.

I don't know what made me do it, or what I was thinking about. But i swear, i starred at my ceiling for 5 minutes.

Doing nothing.

But then something startled me. A familiar noise that I am used to hearing in the middle of the night, so it was odd to hear in the daytime.

My brother's car.

Shit's about to go down.

~Please stick around! Let me know what you think! I know I'm not the best writer, but i hope you guys enjoy it! it's about to get a little more drama packed, so i hope you continue to read! Thanks! :)~

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