I Love Mornings

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The sun was shining in my face. My body was surprisingly warm for being in my room. I attempted to roll over off of my side, but i was stopped. I turned my head over and saw that i was spooning with Dean.


I mean, i didn't mind... but WHY?

"Morning gorgeous." He said as his eyes fluttered open. He looked at me and did a half smile, since he had just woken up and all.

"Uhm.. Did we.. Uh.. Do anything last night?" I asked him nervously.

"Well, i don't think kissing and sleeping is much. But if you do, than yeah." He said, jokingly. "You wanted me to stay so you weren't alone. I told you that you would want me to stay." At this, he smiled.

"Oh i did now?" I said smiling. "You know, for my boyfriend cheating on me, i'm pretty happy. I mean, now it kind of gives me an excuse to dump him. I was to afraid to before. I mean, hell, i'd be average without him."

Dean was honestly the most beautiful creature i've ever seen. His skin was fair, but just enough to look sun kissed. He had dark green eyes that seemed to soften whenever he laughed. He had dark brown hair that almost seemed black, but they way the morning sun was hitting it, you could see that it is tinted brown. I think he noticed me staring because he touched my face gracefully.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, sorry. I'm just trying to grab a hold on what is happening." I said, looking into his eyes. I mean, yeah, this kid was tough. But when i looked t him, i didn't see a tough kid that was full of trouble. I was a genuine, caring person. And that made me feel safe and secure.

"Well, i would rather you grab a hold of me." He said with a smirk. And then he rolled on top of me and pressed his soft lips against mine. He no longer had his shirt on, so i was grabbing his bare back. He was moving his hands all over my body. My hips, thigh, sides, neck, everywhere. Then his lips slid a little lower. Which i didn't mind AT ALL. The way his tongue felt pressed up against my neck was amazing.

I mean, it felt kind of bad. Since i didn't officially break up with Lucas yet. But whatever. Lucas never did this.

We continued this for about 30 minutes. Until i heard a knock at my door. I looked over at the clock. I was already 8:30. I got up and threw on a pair of sweat pants. Seeing as how i had a boy in my room and i was only in his t-shirt and a pair of lace panties, it wouldn't be good if it was my mom.

I signaled Dean to hide in my bathroom. He got up and tiptoed. Then i opened the door.

FEWF! It was only Carly.

"April, we need to get them out of here! You're mom texted me and told me she's be home in a few minutes!" Carly said nervously.

I ran to my bathroom and threw open my door. "Get out!" I yelled. The look on his face was PRICELESS.

"I have to leave already?" He whined. "Fine, i'll be back over later though!" He teased me.

Honestly, no. I didn't want him to leave. But i had to be stern and act serious, or else he'd never leave. I wanted him to stay so we could cuddle and watch movies all day. Me and Lucas never did that. He just used to kiss me in front of all his friends like i was his prize and make me feel like a barbie. WHICH i wasn't, seeing as how i was pretty pale and had long brown, wavy hair. He used to flatter me with gifts and fancy restaurants too. Which got pretty annoying.

But hey, if Dean and Gavin get out and acts like they were never here, then maybe they can come back with my mom's approval. I mean, it's not like she's really strict. So it should be no problem.

I watched Dean grab his phone, then head down the stairs. I followed closely behind. He put the movie back in it's case and slipped on his sneakers. Gavin walked out first after kissing Carly goodbye. The Carly made her was to my kitchen and Gavin started across my lawn back to Deans house.

"Thanks." Dean said. "For having us over and all. It was fun." He smiled. Man i loved that smile. Weird, a day ago i hated that smile and wanted that smile to get thrown off a bridge. Now I want that smile to be all over my body. Too much? Maybe.

"Anytime." I said, and smiled back. "You know, i haven't felt that..normal with a guy in a while. Even though you're not my type, and i shouldn't feel normal. But i did. It was nice." I said. I curved my lips up to one side, then bit my lower lip. I kind of have a habit of doing that.

I watched him give me a little, sexy smile, then he leaned in and kissed me cheek. "I'll talk to you later. Maybe we can hangout tonight." He said.

"Maybe, i'll yell to you if i'm free." At this remark, he laughed.

"Oh yeah! That's right! You're my neighbor! Now i can watch you change!" We both laughed and kissed goodbye, and he made his way back to his house.

I watched him through the glass next to my window. He caught up to Gavin and they walked inside.

Man, i didn't like watching him walk away..

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