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School - Outside

Students were walking outside of the school. Addison and Madison were also walking outside of the school.

Principal Lee: (Voiceover): "Cheer season is here cheer followers. So, let's rally our cheerleaders at the pep rally today."

"Are you okay, Maddie?" Addison asked, as she noticed that Madison was wlaking differently than she used to.

"I'm so stupid," Madison exclaimed. "Did you see the look on his face?" Madison spotted Bucky walking towards the school, and she rushed over to him. "Hey! Hey!"

"Hey," Bucky greeted, as he stopped in front of her. "What's up, cuz?

Madison shrugged. "Zombies are students at Seabrook too, Bucky. Picking on them isn't right."

Bucky scoffed, as he glanced over his shoulder at the Zombie side of the fence. "Zombies distract people from what's really important. Like cheer. Us. Me."

Madison shook her head. "But we can't go around tormenting them."

"It's best if you don't question things," Bucky told her, after he pushed a loose of Madison's hair back.

Madison glanced at the piece of hair that Bucky pushed back, then back at him, before she nodded.

"Pep Rally today, cuz," Bucky exclaimed. "You're gonna rock it."

Bukcy walked away, inside the school. Madison glanced after him, as Addisom walked up beside her twin. Madison stood silent for a moment, looking down, before she walked inside with Addison following after her.

School - Basement

Zed, Eliza and Bonzo walked in together with some other zombies. Zed explaining how he felt about the events yesterday"Yeah, Bonzo. In addition to getting rejected from football, I met a cheerleader. And I thought she was cool, you know? I thought she was different. I thought she was the one. But I was wrong. Cheerleaders are terrible."

The Janitor looked at the door. "Whoa, whoa! There's no human students in the basement."

Zed, Eliza and Bonzo shared a look before they turned around to face the door, to see Madison standing there.

Madison shrugged, as she looked at the janitor, trying to go up with something to say. "Uh, someone yakked in the cafeteria."

"Oh, right," The janitor groaned. "Still the janitor."

The janitor left. After the janitor had left Zedd walked closer to Madison, with a blank expression on his face.

"Wow," Madison exclaimed. "This is... awful."

"Yeah, we would've cleaned," Eliza told her. "But the teacher's territorial about his mop."

"Sorry," Madison apologized.

"It's fine," The janitor told her, as he walked past her, outside towards the cafeteria.

"Madison, what are you doing here?" Zed asked.

"Apologizing," Madison answered. "My cousin, he's a jerk about zombies and last night was cheer initation. Not that that's a good excuse . I'm so sorry."

"Well, what if Bucky sees us talking?" Zed asked.

"We'll make sure he doesn't ," Madison answered. "Uh, see you at the pep rally this afternoon?"

"Zombies don't do pep rallies," Eliza explained.

Madison nodded her head slowly, as she looked down.

Zed glanced back at Eliza, before he turned back to the Wells girl. "We'll think about it."

Madison chuckled, as she and Zed stared into each other's eyes, before Madison turned around, and walked out, closing the door after she glanced back at Zed one last time, and walked away.

"Ok, can we like crack a window open in here?" Eliza asked. "It stinks of human."

Zed just turned towards her and gave her a pointed look, while Bonzo smelled his own t-shirt. Zed walked away from Eliza, to sit down at a desk, with Bonzo and Eliza following behind.


The Mighty Shrimp were getting ready for the pep rally.

"Of course, Zed's not coming," Madison explained to no one in particular, while doing her hair in front of a mirror. "I mean, Zombies at a pep rally would be some serious drama."

"There's zombies at the pep rally," Bree exclaimed.

Madison gasped, and ran over to her twin and best friend, to get a look.

"They wouldn't dare," Bucky exclaimed, Bucky and the Aceys followed Madison to also get a lookm themselves.

"Yeah, this way," Zed told his two best friends, and they made their way onto the bleachers.

Bucky sighed. "Stacey, Lacey, Tracey, bust out the spirit sucks."

Bree, Addison and Madison shared a worried look, as they look at the cheer captain.

"I can't believe you dragged us out here to see Cheery McCheerstein," Eliza groaned. "I'm gonna be sick." She looked at Bonzo. "Do I look green? Greener than usual?"

Bonzo spoke in zombie.

The music started, and the cheer routine started at the same time, the crowd went wild. Madison noticed Zed in the crowd smiling at her, which she returned.

"Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!" The crowd cheered. "Bucky! Bucky! Bucky!"

Then Bucky jumped out through a poster of himself.

"Welcome to the Seabrook High Cheer Rally," Bucky greeted, as the crowd applaud and cheered. "It is gonna be a great year. We are gonna win the State Cheer Championship, again."

The crowd cheered, including Bonzo and Zed.

"Come, Eliza, ease up," Zed told the zombie girl. "Cheer's contagious."

"So is pink eye," Eliza explained.

The cheerleaders did another routine, as the music started and the crowd cheered.

"Get the spirit sticks," Bucky told his minions, the Aceys nodded.

"Let's turn up the heat," Bucky explained, as he were handed a spirit stick, and waved it in front of the crowd. "Let everyone see them for who they really are, monsters."

Zed turned to Bonzo, who were having panic. "Don't worry about it. A little fire's not gonna hurt us."

"Fire," Bonzo exclaimed scared.

"Bud, it's gonna be fine," Zed comforted. "Don't worry."

Bonzo pushed him away, as he freaked out.

"Bonzo, no stop!" Zed yelled. "Bonzo!"

The cheerleaders ran away, as Bonzo ran towards them. Madison was in the air, with no one to catch her, so the girl braced for impact.

"Madison!" Zed exclaimed, as he made his way towards her, by pushing the football team out of the way.

"Wow," The coach exclaimed, as he saw his team being thrown to the sides.

Zed caught Madison, and they stared into each other's eyes.

"The zombie saved her," Someone from the crowd exclaimed, and the crowd cheered.

"Hey," Zed greeted Madison.

"Hey," Madison replied.

"You, me, we gotta talk," The coach told him.

Zed and Madison stared at each other for a few more minutes, before Zed sat Madison down, and let go of her, then followed the coach out of the gym.

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