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ZombieTown - Barrier

Madison were standing outside the gates to Zombietown when Zed suddenly tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, you made it," Zed exclaimed.

Madison nodded, looked around her and then at Zed. "Yeah, and I'm totally no freaked out at all."

Zed grabbed her hand, and started to lead her away. "You're going to love this."

"Okay," Madison exclaimed, as she took hold of Zed's hand. "Let's do this."

They started to walk away into Zombietown, Zed showing the blonde around.


They walked into a elevator that would lead up to the party.

"Are you ok?" Madison asked him. "You don't look so hot."

"Ouch," Zed joked.

Madison punched his arm. "No, you know what I meant."

Zed sighed. "I've to mess with my z-band to win games."

"Isn't that dangerous?" Madison asked, concerned.

"Madison, if I don't win zombies will never be accepted," Zed explained.

"I know how that feels," Madison informed, sadly, as she held her one braided wig in her hand.

The elevator opened, and the Wells girl saw Zombies chilling and having fun.

"This is a chance to get loose," Zed told her, as he walked into the party. "And be ourselves."

Madison walked up towards him. "So, this whole celebration's for you winning the football games?"

"It's more than that," Zed answered. "It's a win for all of us, and we really needed a win." Madison looked at the wall they were standing at with some interesting symbols, Zed followed her eyes. "It's zombie tongue, we have a rich language." Madison chuckled at him. "23 different words for brains."

"Woah," Madison exclaimed with a chuckle. She glanced at Zed. "So, you like a girl with brains?"

Eliza walked up to the two. "You know that's super offensive."

"Oh, no, no, no, no," Madison exclaimed. "It was just a joke, I'm sorry."

Eliza turned to Zed. "You bought 'Little Miss Cheer-Boots' to our Zombie Mash? A huma? Here?"

The trio heard a rambling noise,

"Aw, it started," Zed told Madison. "Come on."

Zed ran away, and Madison followed, leaving Eliza alone, before she also walked away.

Madison watched as some shadow figure began to walk, then Bonzo spoked in Zombie tongue, and Zed jumped out from the smoke.


Hey, welcome to Zombieland

It's a party, go ahead

Everybody dance

Do the draggy leg

You surely can be

A part of the team

Gotta wave the flag

Let your freak flag fly

Someday (Zed Necrodopolis)Where stories live. Discover now