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Seabrook High School - Football Field

Zed and the football team was standing in positions on the field, across from the other team, as the team cheered.

Zed chuckled. "You want a piece of me? All right, boys, we got this. There's no 'I' in team, okay? But there is an 'I' in zombie, okay, that's not the pount. Let's go, Seabrook!"

One of Zed's team mates whispered to a player on the other team. "Hey, be my guest. The zombie's all yours."

The other player nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Set," The quarteback yelled. "Hut."

The game was now in action, the other team players hounded over Zed making him get piled on.

"Oh, that hurts," The game announcer spoke, as the referee blew his whistle, and the crowd started to booing.

"Ow," Zed muttered, as he laid on the ground.

"Oh, zombie down," Bucky exclaimed. "Let's go. Five, six, seven, eight."

The cheer squad made their routine.

"Well, it's third and long for Seabrook," The announcer announced. "Really long. Yep, the MIghty Shrimp are doing what they do best. Losing."

"Come on, Zed," Madison muttered to herself after she stopped cheering.

The game started from the beginning again, with the quarterback yelling 'hut' and then they all ran around the field. Zed got the ball, and the other players tried to get it from him and get him down, they did get him down, making the crowd gasp. The other got the ball and ran to the goal, Zed looked up from the ground at them, and groaned.

The referee blew his whistle as the other made a goal.

In the crowd was Zevon, Zoey, Eliza and Bonzo standing at the top of the bleachers.

Zoey turned to her father. "At least the cheerleaders are amazing." She turned back to look forward. "Go, Seabrook! Go, Seabrook! Go, Seabrook!"

"We don't clap for cheerleaders," Eliza explained, Bonzo clanced at her and down at Zoey's stuffed animal in his arms and stopped cheering.

The referee blew the whistle again.

"Go, Seabrook," Zoey whispered, and Zevon glanced down at his daughter. "Go, Seabrook! "

"It's halftime and the Mighty Shrimp are getting barbecued," The announcer announced. "Skewered, fried, flayed."

Changing Room

The football team were in the changing room, listening to their coach.

"Here's what you need to do, okay?," Coach explained, writing it down on the whiteboard. "I'm only gonna draw this once, so pay attention. All you have to do, move forward! Move all the way forward! Don't go back, there's nothing back here! This is empty. You don't need to go back here. You need to go up here! The end zone is up there! Just go, just move it up! Just move. Just do something. Look, I knew we were gonna lose. All right? And you knew it, too. So, let's go out there and lose... better?" Coach sighed. "Go team." The team left the room, except for Zed. Coach walked over to him, and chuckled. "Doggone if you didnät get me dreaming of winning, huh? Oh, shame on me. What is happening out there?"

Zed shrugged. "Uh, I don't know, coach. Maybe it's team chemistry? But... honestly, I'm not sure the team's actually blocking for me."

Principal Lee walked in. "Hey, Zed." The two men turned to her. "I though we had a deal. You didn't keep your end of it. Hm? So, win this game or it's back to the basement."

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