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Zombietown - Light Garden 

Madisom walked closer to Zoey. "That's some great cheering." 

Zoey stopped what she was doing, and looked at the older girl, and dropped her pom poms "I wasn't doing anything. Certaintly not cheering, please don't tell anyone." 

"You're Zed's little sister, right?" Madison asked, stepping closer to her. 

"I'm Zoey," Zoey introuced, before she climbed down, and sat down. "You're Madison." 

Madison nodded, with a smile. "Yeah." 

"That cheer makes me happy," Zoey explained. 

"Me too," Madison informed, as she sat down beside the young girl. "You're great at cheerleading, Zoey." 

"Thanks," Zoey greeted, and picked up her stuffed animal, Zander, showing it to Madison. "But my pet Zander doesn't seem that impressed." 

"Well, he should be," Madison told her, boping Zander's nose. "But I think you're old enough to have a real pet, wouldn't that be awesome?" 

"Stop teasing her," Eliza told her, as she appeared behind them, and walked closer, making Madison turn to look at her. "You know they don't allow zombies to have pets." 

"I didn't know that," Madison told her, as she shook her head. "I'm still learning that zombies aren't what I was taught. I mean, look at you, you're smart, cool, pretty." 

"You think I'm pretty?" Eliza asked, putting away hair form her face. 

Madison nodded with a smile. "Yeah." 

Eliza shrugged, and Madison chuckled. 

Zed walked in and saw them talking. "There you are." As he walked up to them, he noticed his little sister there. "Zoey? Whoa, what are you doing  here?" 

"Please, I'm not gonna miss a Zombie Mash," Zoey answered. 

"Zoey..." Zed began. 

"Come on," Zoey begged, before clapping her hands. "Who's a good boy?" 

Zed crossed his arms, sighed, before he started to act like a dog, making Madison confused, then he walked up to Zoey, acting as a dog. "Me." 

"Good boy," Zoey told him, as he petted him. "Good boy." 

"Alright, Alright,, I'll take you home," Eliza told the younger girl, taking her into her arms. "Zed's gotta make sure Madison gets out of here." 

"We should hang out, Eliza," Madison suggested, before looking at the girl's boots, then up at the girl again. "And I really like your boots." 

"Oh, thanks," Eliza greeted. "They're orthotic. I've got a draggy foot thing going on, so..." 

Madison chuckled, as she handed Zoey her pom poms. 

Eliza turned around to walk out to get Zoey home. She looked at Zed. "She's cool." 

Zed nodded. "Yeah, for a human, right?"

"No, she's just cool," Eliza told him. "You guys look good together." 

Eliza walked out. 

Madison looked around, and noticed Zander, picked it up. "Hey!" She walked up behidn Eliza, and gave Zoey her stuffed animal, who took it. "Don't forget Zander." 

"See ya," Zed greeted to his sister and best friend, as they walked out. 

"Bye," Zoey greeted. 

Madison looked at Zed, and let out a giggle, then she turned aorund and looked aorund the place, as the two walked around. "Wow! What is this place?"

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