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Seabrook High

Zed was sat in the principal's office after the pep rally with the principal and the coach.

"He went through our offensive linemen like they were scrawny freshmen," Coach told Principal Lee, as he went to satnd beside the chair Zed was sat in.

Zed stood up. "Principal Lee, I can explain."

Principal Lee grumbled. "Coach wants you on his team."

"Really?" Zed asked in disbelief, before looking at the coach.

The Coach nodded. "Yeah. With a monster like-- Monster player like you, we can turn the football team around. And with fan support maybe I can keep my job and move out of my parents' basement, get a cat, get a gym membership, turn it all around. It sounds so dreamy. I need you on the team, Zed."

"Um, okay," Zed told him. "Can you just give me a second to think about it."

"Yeah, sure," Coach told him. "It... it's cool."

The Coach walked over to Principal Lee, who had her hands on her hips. "Pull it together."

"Cool. We're coll," Zed told himself, he turned around, and talked to no one in particular. "Who's the zombies? I'm the zombie! And this zombie's playing some ball! He sighed before he turned back to face Principal Lee and the coach. "I can only agree if there are some changes. FUll integration for all zombies"

"Oh, excuse me," Principal Lee told him. "There's only one little problem. You haven't won a game yet."

"That's a mere technicality," Zed told her.

"Could you throw my star player a bone?" Coach asked. "Not literally."

"Ok, look, in a good faith, I will allow all zombies to eat in the cafeteria," Principal Lee told him. "And once you start racking in those wins, then... we'll talk about those other demands, all right?"

Zed nodded. "Yeah. Deal."

Coach ran towards Zed, as he chuckled. "Deal. I'll see ya at practice, Zed."

Coach walked out, and Zed looked after him. "I'll see ya, coach." Zed walked towards then principal, who was smiling. "Principal Lee."

Principal Lee held her hand out for Zed to shake. "Bring it here!"

Zed took her hand and brought her in for a hug. "Principal Lee, get in here."

"Oh, gosh," Principal Lee exclaimed. "Am I? Wow."

"You're the best," Zed told her before he walked out.

Principal Lee walked out to, and it was revealed that Bucky had been eavesdropping on the conversation.


Principal Le: (Voiceover) "Hello, students. This is Principal Lee. As you may have heard, the zombie students are now allowed to eat in the cafeteria.

At Bucky and the Aceys' table, The Aceys looked at each other confused. "What?"

Principal Lee: (Voiceover) "Ugh, just deal with it."

A guard let Zed, Eliza, Bonzo and other zombie students walk inside. Everyone in the cafeteria turned their heads to look at them.

Eliza scoffed. "Human cafeteria. Wow, Zed, you really delivered."

Bucky and the Aceys followed the zombies with their eyes.

The zombies walked over to a table, Zed stopped at the table, and his eyes met Madison's from where she, Addison and Bree were seated. The two smiled at each other.

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