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Seabrook - Day

Seabrook High - Mighty Shrimp Cheerleading Lounge

Bucky were pacing back and forth in the room, as he spoke to himself. "How's ZEd winning these football games?" He sat down on his knees, before the window, facing the corridor, so he saw the throphy case. "Cheer spirits... glory to all that is firecracker, shish, boom, bah." He placed his hands in a prayer gesture. "Send me a sign, so that my perfect toned body, can stop zombies from stealing our spotlight."

As Bucky looked down at the floor, the Aceys walked past the window, and the only thing Bucky heard was indistinct chatter that came from the Aceys and other cheerleaders following them as they walked past the window, and into the room, to speak with the cheer captain. Bucky looked up and out of the window and saw a sign in the arms of cheerleader, 'Go Bucky!'.

The Aceys walked inside the room, to speak with their captain, with the cheerleaders following behind them still.

"We know how to stop Zed," Tracey told him.

"He's been hacking his Z-band," Lacey informed.

"It's all about Eliza," Stacey explained. "And she's using her computer to do it."

"Shish, boom, bah," Bucky exclaimed.


Tracey and Lacey were standing in front of Eliza in the corridor, to distract her so Stacey can take the computer form Eliza's bag.

"A spa date," Tracey told her, making Eliza confused. "All of us. Hanging."

"We've been so wrong about zombies this whole time," Lacey told her.

"Yeah," Tracey agreed. "I mean with some concealer, blush, contour, highlight, and a little bit of hair dye, you could look cute."

"And I mean when was the last time you pampered yourself?" Lacey asked, eyeing her from head to toe.

"Yeah, giggling over makeup and doing each other's toe nails?" Eliza asked sarcastically. "No sale."

Stacey went closer towards Eliza from behind, she tiptoed.

Lacey glanced at Tracey, then at Eliza. "Hey, uh, you like computers, right? My mom just set up a full VR room."

"VR?" Eliza asked confused, as Stacey took the computer from the zombies' bag. "Okay, I mean, I don't wanna discriminate against humnas. So, in a way it'd be wrong for me to not take you up on your offer." Stacey showed the computer to Tracey adn Lacey before she sneaked away. As Eliza spoke Lacey fake smiled at her. "Um, yeah, I'm in."

"Okay, on the second thought, maybe not," Lacey told her.

"Maybe next time," Tracey told her, before he and Lacey walked away.

Eliza looked after them confused, before she went back to her notebook and her drawing.

Mighty Shrimp Cheerleading Lounge

The Aceys were sat at a table with Eliza's computer in front of them, as Bucky laid down on a massage board, and a women massage his back.

Lacey groaned in frustration. "Ugh, I can't access it. There's a firewell on Eliza's computer."

"You have to get in and show everyone that Zed's a monster," Bucky muttered into the pillow.

Bukcy's back cracked, and he grunted. "Not that hard!"

The Aceys shared a look.


Necrodopolis House - Zed's Room

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