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ZombieTown - Necrodopolis House

Zed walked out through the door of his house, looked at the plant i watered before 'My year', and sighed. "Life is good." He walked away. 

Seabrook - Seabrook High School - Outside

There were several students walking/standing outside, and two guards who took down the gate between the entrances. 

Principal Lee: (Voiceover) "Another win for out football team, thanks to Zombie Zed. So be sure to show some zombie pride. Oh, and tickets are on sale for next week's Cheer Championship, so get yours today. " 


Zed and Eliza were walking towards their table, as students came up to Zed and asked for autograph, and others talking about Zed. 

"Hi, Zed," A girl greeted. 

"Yeah, let's go hang with the zombies," A football play told his friend, and they stood up and walked towards the zombies. 

"I'm gonnam go," A female student told her friends. 

"Ok," Another replied, as the first girl stood up with a boy and walked over to the zombies. 

"Can you believe these zombies?" A third girl asked. 

"I know," Girl 2 answered. "They're actually cool." 

"I know," Girl 3 agreed. "And like before I thought they were gross..." 

A football player and a cheerleader male sat on each side of Eliza making her look uncomfortable, and a girl student sat down across from her. "Hmm. Being like is so weird. " 

At Bucky and the Aceys' table they all looked towards the zombies with disguisted faces. 

Bukcy stood up and walked forward standing in front of the table, smriking, and inhaled a breatha dn exhaled, and he watched Zed with an angry look. 

Bree, Addison and Madison were sat at a table with other cheerleaders. Madison smiled as she watched Zed, and stood up to walk to him. 

Bukcy walked the same direction, and grabbed his cousin's wrist from behind, and yanked her around, and crossed his arms. "You're either pro-cheerleader, or pro-zombie. Decide now." 

"Wait, what?" Madison asked confused. "You don't know how hard..." 

"What's it gonna be?" Bucky asked with a raised voice. 

"I..." Madison cut off. "I wanna be a cheerleader. That's all I ever wanted." 

Buck smiled at her. "Good." 

Bukcy turned around, and walked back to the Aceys at their table. Madison had teary eyes. 

"Hey, Madison," Zed called out, she turned her head to look at him, he waved at her. 

Madison sobbed, and turned and walked out of the cafeteria. Zed looked after her sadly. 

At the Acey adn Bucky's table, Bukcy ahd made it back, and sat down. "This zombie trend will pass." He stabbed his fork into the food on his plate. "They're not gonna win another football game."

Football Field

The whole school was at the football field, watching another game. Zed made many goals. Madison watched Zed being carried by his teammates. 

Announcer: (Voiceover) "Well, deep fry me and dip me in cocktail sauce! The Mighty Shrimp win again. That's five wins in a row for our football team." 

School - Hallway

Bukcy closed his locker, as a studnet walked towards him holding a paper. 

"Look, I am in no mood for autog..." Bukcy cut off when the student walked past him towards ZEd. 

"Hey, Zed," the student called out, running up to Zed. 

Zed, Bonzo and Eliza were sat at a table with other students as Zed signed autograph. Bucky looked at them, and rolled his eyes. 

After the students had left the three zombie best friends alone, Eliza stood up. 

"Okay, I'm off to computer club," Eliza told them. "Me. I think I might be happy?" 

Eliza walked away. 

Bonzo stood up, as Zed turned to him. Bonzo spoke in zombie, before high fived Zed, and walked away. 

Zed stood up. "Hey, zombie chic. I like it! Give me some Boom! Boom! There it is." 

Zed stood at his locker when Madison walked by with the Aceys following behind. Bucky watched them and furrowed his brows at his cousin. 

Madison was on her way to stop and talk to Zed, when Stacey and Tracey tok hold of her arm and shoulders stopping her from it. Lacey, who were they last one to walk past Zed did a 'talk with the hand' gesture to Zed's face. 

Zed watched Madison sadly, Bucky smirked at the sight, and walked away as the Aceys and Madison walked in his direction. Madison had an annoyed look. 

Zed turned to his locker, and opened it and confetti came out, then he found a note. He took out the note and looked at it. "'Cheering for you on the inside. XO, Madison.'" 

Zed glanced in the direction that the Aceys and Madison went. 

Football Field 

The residents  of Seabrook were gathered at the football field again to watch another game. AN they won the game again. 

Announcer: (Voiceover) "Unbelievable! The Mighty Shrimp have scampied their way to a perfect season! Led by Zombie Zed. The big Homecoming game is next!"

Madision stood at the side of the field watching Zed, smile as she followed him with her eyes. She sighed and looked down sadly. Bonzo came up beside her, bumping his shoulder with her, making her look at him. 

"What are you doing?" Madison asked him confused. 

Bonzo lifted his arm as he whistle, and held a paper in one and held it on Madison's right, and the girl looked to the right. Madison took the paper, and as she opened it, Bonzo hugged her. Madison smiled at little at the action. 

Bonzo walked away leaving her alone. 

Madison opened the letter, and read it. "'Ready to break every rule in the book? Meet me at the barrier 7pm. Tonight. Zed." 

Madison chukled at the letter, before speaking to herself. "I could get in so much trouble." She looked at the ground for a while and then she looked forward and spoke to herself again. "I'm in." 

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