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Seabrook - Evening

Wells House - Living Room

Gus had brought Madison home to her house, and they were standing with Missy, Dale and Addison in the living room, scolding Madison because she had snuck out. 

"Madison, you snuck out?" Missy asked, as she looked at her oldest daughter, who stood in front of her, her husband and her youngest daughter. "Madison!" 

"Do you know how dangerous it is out there?" Dale asked, in a scolding way. 

"I'm gonna go, chief," Gus told the mayor and his husband, but Dale stopped him. 

"Hey," Dale told Gus. 

"This town's full of monstrous zombies," Missy told her daughter. "What were you up to?" 

Madison glanced at her younger twin, as she shrugged. "I... I was out with a boy." 

"Oh, boy," Addison muttered under her breath, nervous of how their parents will react over the news that her twin had met a boy.

"Probably a good idea I hust leave, chief," Gus told them again, really wanted to go and not be apart of the Wells family's conversation. 

"Hey," Dale exclaimed, making Gus stand still.

 Missy turned to her oldest daughter. "Now, who exactly is this boy, hmm?"

"Well?" Missy and Dale asked in uniso, waiting for their oldest to explained herself. 

Madison shrugged as she thought of something to say. "Well..."

"Goodnight, chief," Gust told them trying to get away from the Wells house again, but was stopped this time too. 

"Ah!" Dale exclaimed to Gus. 

"You'll not cheer," Missy told her, before she gestured between her and her husband. "And there will be no Cheer Championships until we meet this boy." 

"Right," Dale agreed, nodding his head. "No Cheer Championships un..." Before he turned to his wife. "Honey, I..." 

"No, it does, sweetie," Missy exclaimed, cutting her husband off. "I'm not changing my mind."

"Right. We need to meet this boy, Madison," Dale told her, after he getsured for Gus to stay. "Or you'll never cheer again." He looked at Gus. "Right, Gus?" 

"Goodnight, chief," Gus greeted, after he looked at Madison beside him, and before he left. 

Madison rolled her eyes, with a sigh. Missy and Dale went back to their bedroom to go back to sleep. 

Madison looked at her sister, before she sighed. "I'm screwed." 

Addison nodded, knowingly. "Yeah, you are." 

Day - Seabrook High 

Principal Lee: (Voiceover) "All right, Mighty Shrimp, today's the day we've all been waiting for. It's the homecoming game!" 

Eliza were stood at her locker, Zed leaning agaisnt the locker beside hers. Eliza closed her locker, and turned to Zed, who was holding his wrist. 

"Look, I'm all for you trampling the system and the opposing team," Eliza told him. "But you really gotta stop messing with your Z-band. Okay, it's not safe?" '

"It's just one more game, to get through" Zed explained. 

"And then no more hacking your Z-band?" Eliza asked.

Zed nodded. "Yeah, totally." 

"Okay," Eliza exclaimed, before she walked away. 

Zed closed his locker, and walked away. 

It was revealed that the Aceys had been eavesdropping on the conversation from the corner. Then walked out of the corner, and walked together. 

"Zed's cheating," Tracey told the girls. 

"He's been hacking his..." Lacey began. 

"Z-band," Stacey finished, with a smirk and crossed her arms. 

Lacey gave a smirk too, as Tracey snapped his fingers, and the three turned around in sync, causing their hair to flip to the side, walking away.

Madison walked inside the school, and up through the stairs. 

"Madison!" Zed called out, coming up behind her. Madison stopped at the stairs, and looked at him. "Last night, I wanted to help when the zombie patrol arrived but I was just, I was afraid..." 

"Zed, it's not your fault," Madison told him calmly. Madison sighed, before she continued. "The big problem is my parents won't let me cheer until they meet you." 

"Great," Zed exclaimed. "So, I'll just win them over with my quick wit and charming smile." 

He blinked at Madison- 

Madison shook her head. "No, not great. They don't know you're a zombie." 

"And they ahte zombies," Zed realised. 

"Yeah," Madison told him. "I'm so sorry." 

"I'm sorry for making things diffult for you," Zed told her. 

"No, no," Madison assured. "You haven't done anything wrong beside being you. And you're great..." Madison looked down before she sighed, and looked at Zed again. "You know what? If my family can't accept zombies, maybe I don't want to be a cheerleader anymore."

"Biut you love cheer," Zed told her, knowing it was true. "It's what makes you, you." 

Madison shook her head, wiht tears in her eyes. "I wish... I could just flip a switch and change everything... but... I can't." It was silent between the two for a few seconds before Madison spoke again. "I've to go. I'm late for class." 

Madison turned around, and walked up through the rest of the stairs, to her class. 

Zed turned around, and walked outside again, before he stopped, and got an idea. "Flip the switch." 

Zed walked off to find Eliza. 

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