。⁠*゚⁠+Chapter 2: Once a Ninja, Never a Star。⁠*゚⁠+

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Cole paces around the base as he thinks. Pixal keeps working on finding (Y/n)'s last location.

Cole: "Where could she be?"

Jay: "She can be anywhere!"

Lloyd: "I've already checked her favorite places but she wasn't there. How can you just let her go, Cole?"

Cole: "We knew that she needed some time but she didn't want us to look for her. She said she didn't want to cause any more trouble after what happened."

Kai: "You mean when she put my parents in danger and she didn't stop my sister from disappearing!"

Cole: "It isn't her fault, Kai. She just-"

Kai: "She just what?! She what?! She already caused problems here so maybe we shouldn't even find her!"

Pixal: "I've finally found her location!"

Everyone turns to Pixal as they are surprised.

Cole: "You did?! But how? I thought she didn't take her tracking device?"

Pixal: "Yes may not but her bike had a tracking device. It was shut off and I was able to track down the last location she was in. She's in a village in the south coast of Ninjago."

Lloyd: "A village? What's she doing there?"

Pixal: "I'm not sure but I've searched up some information about the village and it seems like the place is called... 'Stars from Above'."

Cole: "Stars from Above?"

Zane: "A village that belongs to an ancient tribe. Their leader was the strongest warrior in the place and was a friend of the First Spinjitzu Master. The leader had sadly passed away as he saved his village."

Jay: "So who's the new leader?"

Zane thinks for a bit until he finds something.

Zane: "There isn't much of that but only one has a great description on what the new leader could look like. They say people come from far away to fight the leader... They all failed."

Lloyd: "Don't tell me she... She went to face the leader?!"

Zane: "That's a possibility of happening."

Pixal: "But there's been recent sounds that have been coming from over there. Take a listen."

Pixal plays the sound as it was like someone sings a lullaby as it echoes around the place. She pressed the stop button as she looked back at the ninja.

Pixal: "I've found only one result about what these noises are. It is a call from a new beginning. They were sounds that were heard a long time ago but they suddenly stopped for unknown reasons. Now it's back. I've deciphered it as it turns out it was like a message. All of them are a message"

New sounds were heard and now it was a familiar voice. A female's voice.

"Sometimes, I sink down to the sea as the water consumes me whole. I think about the past and everything I've done. I haven't let go of her yet."

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now