†Chapter 24: Two Stars, One Warrior†

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(A/n- Y'all get a new design. I forgot to show it but that is how the design of the outfit looks like. Y'all know the drill. I think...)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

Chaos... Was around Ninjago City. The place was filled with so many crystals on the ground and on the buildings. The Vengestone warriors were roaming around the city, trying to find the ninja so they can be brought to the Crystal King. The people of Ninjago City had to run and hide away to not get touched by the Vengestone army and turn themselves into a crystal zombie.

In the temple, Elijah was patching up (Y/n)'s wound on her waist as she bites on her suit while Elijah works.

Elijah: "Don't move."

(Y/n): *Muffled* "I'm not moving, *sshole!"

Elijah: "Well stop b*tching about. You're like a kid."

(Y/n): "Shut up- UGH!"

She groans in pain as Elijah puts more alcohol on her wound. It felt like hell to her as she continues to bare the pain. Soon enough, Elijah finished as he patches up the wound. (Y/n) sits up and gets off of the bed.

(Y/n): "Thanks, *sshole. You'll get a raise."

Elijah: "Villains don't get a raise."

(Y/n): "Exactly. Now... How's the search going?"

Elijah: "I would say good but I'm sounding sarcastic."

(Y/n): "Yeah. Just like you have a small di-"

Jalen: "Can we get back on track? It's getting annoying with you two fighting."

Jalen walks in as they looked at (Y/n).

Jalen: "Commander, shall we head out?"

Elijah: "She can't go since she needs to recover!"

Jalen: "Oh yeah..."

Jalen then thinks for a solution until (Y/n) speaks up.

(Y/n): "Jalen. I want you to find something. A giant power source."

Jalen: "And why would you want that?"

(Y/n): "Cause there's something roaming around the city... Something big. Something powerful."

Jalen: "Where can I even find that?"

(Y/n) thinks about this as she then looks at Elijah. Then, she looks at the power source of her old powers. She then sighs.

(Y/n): "This is gonna be a long ride..."


(A/n- I decided to give a small scene between Lloyd and his father that's not apart of the show but also try to keep it the same.)

Let's see how Lloyd is doing... Half of the the Bounty that Lloyd and Garmadon landed in the streets. It was a mess as the crystals around the city was almost everywhere. On buildings, streets, inside building and more. Garmadon gets out of the Bounty as he looks around at the mess in the city. Lloyd on the other hand was slowly hyperventilating as his breathing got heavier and his body was shaking a bit.

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