✿Chapter 16: The Spider's Design✿

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∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

The clocks ticks as Jalen were working on their new project as they type on the computer very quickly with Mister F. Elijah looks at Lloyd who is in a Vengestone cage and is knocked out cold as Elijah kept an eye on him. Jalen sighs.

Elijah: "It's funny how we were left in charge of Greenie here. Shouldn't Mister F take care of him?"

Jalen: "Yeah but we have our own problems on our hands. The other ninja are going to get us and try to get their precious Green Ninja and that Symbol of Hope Ninja... Or whatever her name is. Now, focus..."

Suddenly, Lloyd wakes up as he groans. He saw lava below him as he looks at the computer to see Mister F and Jalen working on something on it. Elijah noticed he was awake as he chuckles.

Elijah: "Hey, Greenie... looks like you're awake. Hey, Rumi! Looks who awake!"

Lloyd looks down as he saw Harumi walking in the room.

Lloyd: "Whatever it is you're planning, Harumi, you don't have to go through with it. You can change your mind."

Harumi: "Can I? Really?"

Harumi walked past Lloyd's cage as Elijah jumps down and walked towards Jalen.

Lloyd: "Yes. It doesn't have to be like this."

Haurmi: "Are you sure?"

Harumi looks away for Lloyd as she smirks.

Harumi: "Oh, Lloyd... So trusting. So gullible. Just like your girlfriend."

Lloyd: "You tricked us once..."

Harumi: "And you'd think you'd learned from it. But you haven't. Clearly. Because you're trusting and gullible and weak. Which is why you are bound to lose."

Lloyd: "Rumi, I know you think I failed you with (Y/n), and you're angry with me."

Harumi: "If by "failed" you mean, "Didn't save my life and let a building fall on me," then yes, I admit I was a little ticked about that."

Suddenly, Elijah bursted into laughter as he holds his stomach in pain.

Elijah: "Wow! You got crushed by a building? Couldn't be me, Rumi!"

Harumi glares at him as she throws her katana at him. Elijah stops laughing as he sighs while Jalen looked at both of them.

Jalen: "Geez... I'm trying to focus here! And we're getting side tracked. Elijah... check up on the project. I'll go visit an old friend."

Jalen leaves to room as Elijah started working on the computer for the project.

Lloyd: "Anyways... So direct your anger at me, Harumi! Not everyone else! I know you don't want innocent people hurt."

Harumi thinks about this as she looks down at the ground... She could forgive Lloyd but she had other plans. Her eyes turned dark purple as she gives Lloyd a glare.

Harumi: "You know nothing about me. But I know you, Lloyd. Deep down, I know there's a darkness in you. You fight it, you try to push it away, but it's there."

✿The Return of Jadeite's Sister✿Lloyd x F!Reader✿(Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now