✿Ending: A Curse to Pass on✿

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(A/N- Unfortunately, this is only one ending and the other ending had been scrapped. There will be no bad ending as this one is the good ending.)

∘˚˳°3rd person∘˚˳°

(Y/n) opened her eyes as she lay on a platform, noticing she wasn't in Ninjago anymore. She groans as she stands up and stretches. The last thing she remembers was she performed the spell with Kazuki and then a bright light shined. She looked down at her body and noticed that she was wearing a white cloth that almost made her look like a goddess. She just decides to take a small peek under it just to check something until she yelps and freaks about something.

(Y/n): "Where the f*ck is my undergarments?! Who even f*cking design this?"

She covered her chest as she looked around. She saw the stars as she heard their melody. She started to walk around the floating platform, noticing how louder the melody got louder. As she continues to walk, everything vanishes including the melody. She saw a glowing orb that almost looks like the one she creates when she uses her powers.

???: "Congratulations. You've finished your destiny."

The Orb soon transformed into a spirit of a woman similar to (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Who are you? Where am I? And what do you mean I finished my destiny?"

Flaire: "You can call me Flaire for now. I am one of the Heavenly Principles who controls what is soon going to happen. You're in between our homeland and Ninjago. Your destiny was to free our people and protect them."

(Y/n): "Free them? From what?"

Flaire: "The curse that Kazuki, The First Moon, had placed on them. That curse was immortality. It was once a blessing but after your mother's war, it turned into a curse after many of our people died and went back to our homeland. You were the blessing that we waited for. We had watched your every movement. Just like Kazuki."

(Y/n): "Okay, why the f*ck are you guys spying on me? Am I that f*cking hot or something?"

Flaire: "Blame it on the audience and our creator. He's just doing his job, girl."

They both looked at... Us. Damn it. They are breaking the 4th wall. It ain't my fault I can draw women only and make the men's face and not their body. They then looked back at each other.

Flaire: "Now that you finished your destiny, it's time to come hom-"

(Y/n): "Now hold up. Wait a minute. I rather f*cking stay in Ninjago then go home. Besides, I've lived there for years and now I'm going home? Oh.. But I was home. Ninjago is my home. I don't care if you'll force me there cause I'm going back to Ninjago. See ya."

(Y/n) then started to walk away from Flaire as Flaire hums. She started to follow her quietly while (Y/n) continued to walk. After a few 30 minutes, (Y/n) stops as she finds nothing but just an empty space. She then looked behind her and saw Flaire following her.

(Y/n): "Why are you following me?"

Flaire: "You... seem like you don't want to give up on going back to Ninjago. Why's that?"

(Y/n): "I have someone waiting for me back home. The people I call my family. They took me in after I decided to leave my old duties as a princess. So I would rather not abandon them to just go back to my homeland. I care for my family. I care for Ninjago. I care for the people. I am the hero who protects them. I would never abandon them like I was abandoned by my mother!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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