Dungeons and Dragons but it's actually Wizards and Soggy Caves

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[Qibli, Echo, Turtle, and Winter appear in midair inside an old cave.]

Echo: *falls on his face* OW!

Qibli: *falls on Echo's tail*

Echo: AAAACK!!

Turtle: *lands head first on Qibli's stomach before slapping Echo's face with his tail*

Echo: *banging his claws in pain* SERIOUSLY?!

Winter: *lands perfectly on his feet while everyone else is in a messy dragon pile*

Winter: Well? Where are we?

Qibli: *groans* Gee, I don't know. *Looks around sarcastically* I see rock. Rock. More rock. Oooh! Some really dark rock!

Winter: I know we're in a cave, but what kind of game did Tide shove us in?

???: *Over a loudspeaker* WHY THE WAITING GAME OF COURSE!!!

Echo: GAH! Who's there?!

???: Continue on into the cave to find me...IF YOU DAAAAAAAARE!!!!!

Winter: ugh, let's go.

Turtle: This guy's putting on quite a show...

*One long soggy walk latergh*

Echo: Helloooooooooo?

???: Yup?

[The group spins around to find HG sitting on a beanie couch reading the fifth Harry Potter book while dressed in Ravenclaw robes.]

Qibli: What are you doing here?!

HG: *grudgingly puts book five down and starts reading book 6* let's just say, I felt like this thing needed more management.

Winter: So you didn't trust Tide to take care of it?

HG: Well, he's busy.

Turtle: What are we here for?

HG: You four are here to play an online role-playing game!

Qibli: Like D&D?

Echo: Does that stand for Dunkin Donuts? Cause I could go for a--

Qibli: No, it's dungeons and dragons.


HG: Well, truth be told, I don't know much about the game, so I'm rolling with the basic concept except I'm tossing you into the actual game! I'm probably going to enrage every D&D player in the process but the readers are begging me to update so whatever!

Turtle: WHAT IF WE DIE?!

HG: Don't worry, you won't.

Turtle: *still worrying*

HG: *Finishes book 6 and starts book 7* The rules are simple: dress up as a character, make it to the end of the cave, get the treasure, and you're done!

Qibli: I'm pretty sure D&D is more complicated than--

HG: Now, off to pick your characters! *Grabs a wand from his costume* Accio changing rooms!

[Several telephone booths zoom out of the cave]

Qibli: Uh--

HG: Go in there, you'll transform into humans, and come out with whatever costume you want.

Echo: Can I stay as a dragon?

HG: No.

Echo: Can my character be half-dragon?

Wings of Fire: Truth or Dare--BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now