Time for Valentine's. Also, DUCK!!!

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Kinkajou: *rapping on everyone's doors* GET UP GET UP!!!!

Winter: *opens his door and groans* What? It's three AM. Did you trap Santa or something?


Winter: *slams his door*

Kinkajou: You all must do something romantic!!

Winter: *opens the door* Can I be the technician for a romantic play without having to participate in or watch the play?

Kinkajou: You have to go on a date!

Winter: *slams the door again*

Winter: *shoves Echo off his bed*

Echo: GAH! *Falls on the ground* Where am I? Who did that? Why do I still taste burnt chicken?

Winter: Get up. It's Valentine's day, so naturally, you're forced to do anything but relax.

Echo: W-wait, did you just say--

Winter: If you want to survive today, I'd recommend avoiding Kinkajou and other shippers.

Echo: *Jumps out the window*

Winter: *sighs* I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss JMA.


Tide: *Cleaning the porch while blasting music on headphones so he can't hear Kinkajou*

Kinkajou: *runs out the door* TIDE!!!

Tide: *still cleaning*

Kinkajou: TIDE TAKE THOSE OFF!!!! *grabs her megaphone from the last dare* TIIIIIIIIDE!!!

Tide: GAH! *takes off the headphones* Kinkajou, geez, you probably damaged my ears more than they already are!

Turtle: *Appears out of nowhere and uses his healing rock on Tide*

Tide: Oh, uh, thanks!

Turtle: No problem!

Kinkajou: Tide, do you know what day it is?

Tide: Um, yesterday was Monday so--

Kinkajou: Yes it's Tuesday! But what else!?

Tide:....................Queen Thorn's hatching day?


Tide: *Pretends to not hear* Eh? Sorry, I think my ears still aren't working--

Kinkajou: *grabs the megaphone* VALENTINE'S DAY!!!


Kinkajou: *Yeets the megaphone into the ocean* So? Are you planning anything?

Tide: Not really. I think everyone just wants to relax and have a peaceful day.

Kinkajou: Have you asked Anemone?

Tide: I tried to yesterday but...


Tide: Hey, Anemone?

Anemone: *cleaning her necklaces* Yes?

Tide: So, um, do you know what tomorrow is?

Anemone: I think today's Monday so--

Tide: Yes tomorrow's Tuesday, but it's also--

Pete: *Teleports into the room by harnessing the power of the dares he has received from the readers* QUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK!!!!!!!!!

Wings of Fire: Truth or Dare--BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now