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𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑰𝑭𝑹𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑨𝑻 𝑶𝑵 her best friend's, Lauren Strucker's, bed watching her pick out an outfit for the day

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𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑰𝑭𝑹𝑬𝑫 𝑺𝑨𝑻 𝑶𝑵 her best friend's, Lauren Strucker's, bed watching her pick out an outfit for the day. This was a daily thing for the young teenagers to do while at each other's houses. Winifred distracted herself with her phone since she grew tired of helping the Strucker girl.

"Winnie? Winnie! Are you even paying attention?" Lauren exclaimed. Winifred looked up at her.

"Well, now I am," Winifred replied, raising an eyebrow at her friend's chosen outfit, "You wore that shirt two days ago, Lauren."

The Strucker girl rolled her eyes and went back into her closet to fish out yet another outfit. Andy, Lauren's younger brother, walks into his sister's bedroom.

"Mom says dinner is in fifteen," Andy turned to Winifred, "She also asked me to ask you if you'd like to stay, Winnie."

"I'd have to ask my mom," Winifred replied with a smile. Andy nodded, leaving Lauren and Winifred alone in Lauren's bedroom. Winifred sent a quick text to her mother and put her phone in her pocket.

"We should head down early. I want to see what your mom's making," Winifred suggested to Lauren. Lauren stepped away from her closet and followed Winifred downstairs to the kitchen. Caitlin Strucker looked over at the two teens.

"Winnie, what did your mom say?" Caitlin asked. Winifred took out her phone and a reply from her mother came almost instantly.

"Mom says she wants me home," Winifred replied, "Maybe next time, Mrs. Strucker?"

Lauren, Andy, and Caitlin said their goodbyes to her and Winifred made her way back home across the street.


"Mom, I'm home!" Winifred shouted as she walked through the front door.

"In the kitchen," Annabelle replied. Winifred took off her jacket and joined her mother in the kitchen. Winifred walked in to see her mother throwing a burnt pan into the sink.

"What happened here?" Winifred asked.

"I burned dinner," Annabelle sighed, "How do you feel about pizza?"

After a phone call and almost an hour later, Winifred and Annabelle ate their food in the living room. Annabelle grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. Suddenly, a faint knock came from the front door.

"Winnie, turn down the volume," Annabelle says. Winifred nodded, quickly grabbing the remote to turn the volume down. A loud knock came from the front door. Annabelle knew something was wrong.

"Winnie, stay here," Annabelle says to her daughter.

"Is everything okay, mom?" Winifred asked, taking notice of her mother's growing worried expression.

"Maybe, Winnie. Just stay here," Annabelle got up before Winifred could ask anymore questions.

The knocking came to a stop once Annabelle unlocked the door and opened it. Reed Strucker and two Sentinel Services guards were on the other side of the door.

"Reed? What are you doing here?" Annabelle asked. Winifred hid quietly behind a wall. Reed flashed his badge before sighing.

"We're here for Winifred," Reed replied, "Is she home?"

"Reed, what is this? My daughter is not a threat," Annabelle answered.

"Anna, please. Just give us Winnie. We don't want this situation to escalate," Reed says. Annabelle refused to remove herself from the door.

At least three more Sentinel Services guards gather around the door. The guards point their guns both at and past Annabelle.

"Hand us the mutant now!" A guard shouted. Winifred walked out of her hiding spot and faced them.

"Mom? What's going on?" She asked. Winifred looked scared at the sight of guns aimed at her mother. Annabelle turned to her daughter, allowing a single tear to shed from her face.

"Run," Annabelle shouted. Winifred sensed her mother's sadness and desperation for her to leave, but Winifred refused. Winifred shook her head.

"Winifred, go!" Annabelle yelled. The Sentinel Services guards rush in after Winifred, pushing Annabelle to the ground in the process. Winifred ran straight out of the house through the back door. Fortunately for Winifred, she lived near the woods. Her feet took her as far as they could away from the danger that plagued her home.

"I think we lost them!" Winifred says, finally coming to a stop. She looked around to find her Annabelle.

"Mom?" Winifred questioned.

She was fully expecting her mother to be at least a few feet behind her. Winifred felt that something was wrong and walked back to the direction of her home. Luckily for Winifred, Reed and the Sentinel Services guards were gone.

Panic built within Winifred when she saw blood splattered across the back door's window. No.. it can't be. Winifred broke into a sprint and ran into her house.

"Mom!" She shouted, "Mom, where are you? Mom!"

Bodies of Sentinel Services guards were scattered around the kitchen and living. Winifred walked over to the front hallway and saw the body of a person she'd never hoped to see...


"Mom!" Winifred let out a blood curdling scream. She reached out to check her mother's pulse and felt... nothing.

Annabelle Rogers was dead.

Everything else happened in a blur, but all Winifred could remember was uncontrollable fire bursting out of her hands. From that day on Winifred knew she'll take her revenge out on them all.

Reed Strucker is going to pay.

𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐈𝐋: 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐃Where stories live. Discover now