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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑫 𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬𝑵 of a police car blared loudly in the background

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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑫 𝑺𝑰𝑹𝑬𝑵 of a police car blared loudly in the background. They were chasing after a mutant... one they've been trying to find since she burned down her own home. Winifred's breathing became heavy as she ran to hide behind a trash bin.

She looked down at her hands as fire ignited within her palms. The fire grew too large for Winifred to contain and she walked out of her hiding spot to find a parked police car.

"She must be here somewhere." She heard a male voice say.

"You sure? Maybe your tracking isn't as accurate," Another voice replied. This time it belonged to a female.

Hearing their voices getting closer, Winifred panicked and knew she needed to cause a distraction to get away. Winifred lit the car on fire with her powers.

"Woah!" She heard another male voice shout. Winifred took the opportunity to run past them.

"Hey! Come back!" The female voice shouted. Winifred ran as fast as she could. Their voices called out for her, pleading for her to stop.

"We're here to help you!" Their voices shouted. Winifred took cover inside of an abandoned office and behind a desk. She heard three sets of feet enter the office.

"She's in here," The second male voice said. Winifred jumped out of her hiding spot holding a glass vase.

"It's okay. We're just gonna talk," The male explained. Winifred didn't hesitate to throw the vase at the man.

"Hey, hold up!"

Winifred ignored him and picked up a book to throw at him. The man barely missed the impact of the book. Winifred conjured fire in her hand, preparing it for she use if she needed to.

"Who the hell are you people?!?" Winifred shouted, rising with anger. The woman, who had red hair, calmly approached Winifred.

"It's okay, we're just like you," The woman blew pink mist from her mouth, demonstrating her mutant abilities. Winifred eyed them suspiciously before lowering down her hand, extinguishing the fire within her palm.

"Now, what's your name?" The woman asked.

"Winifred. My friends call me Winnie," Winifred replied.

"Nice name, Winnie. My name's Sonya, this is Marcos and John," Sonya gestured to them both. The two men waved at Winifred.

"We're here to help you. But we need to get back to headquarters before we get caught," Sonya continued.

Before her mother's death, Annabelle would always tell Winifred never trust strangers no matter how nice they seemed. Winifred was extremely hesitant to go with the three adult mutants. Sonya took Winifred's hand in her's and walks out of the building with John and Marcos following close behind.

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