Chapter 9

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Hinata's POV:

I gazed at Naruto kun for the 3rd time now. He has been quiet since earlier... And I don't know why. We've been together ever since he pulled me from the crowds, earlier, he's happy and smiling... what happened?

Did i do something wrong?

"Okay please welcome, " The emcee began. "The Male and Female lead, Aka Mizuki and Nahiro... Mr. Uzumaki Naruto, and the social media star and artist... Hinata Hyuuga, White Lily!" The Emcee announced as the crowds applaud.

I frozed for seconds. I don't know what to do and im so nervous! This is my first time appearing before people! I don't know how will they react to it? What if i made a mistake? What if i sprain my ankle while walking? What if i stutter while talking—

"Hey Hina." I immediately turned to Naruto kun. His brows are curled upwards as he tilt his head looking at me, trying to meet my eyes. "You okay?"

I nodded and smiled.

But it seems like he wasn't convinced.

"Im fine, really." I nervously laughed trying to divert my gaze. My eyes darted down the floor and i was stuck staring at the grey-ish floor.

I-i think i can't make it.

But... but...

Naruto kun offered his hand before me. I immediately raised my gaze and raise a brow at him. He just smiled.

"Here. Hold my hand... And let's go there together. Just remember Hina, whenever you fall or make a mistake infront. Im always here to save you."

My eyes can't help but to water by what he said. A part of me is hoping... Hoping that he don't just mean this moment... but all the other moments for the rest of my life.

But what I thinking? That's impossible to happen. Maybe by now, Naruto kun is already inlove with someone else. He's a big shot now, and he could seduce anyone he wants.

Anyone more beautiful than me. More talented than me. Better than me...

And just the thought itself, hurts me so much.

I just accepted his hands as he lightly squeez mine. I like the feeling t how his hand fits mine. I just smiled by the sensation.

We both walk infront as the VTR wall opened— giving us way. I winced by the lights and flashes addressed towards us. But...

But why is it so silent. It's so quiet that it's like the whole venue have no audience. I gazed before me, only to see the people's eyes widen with their mouth slightly gaped.

I don't think this is a normal reaction in castings...

But slowly. It seems like they finally processed everything, and they finally started roaring. The crowds are running wild and some of them are for cheering me, White Lily. I almost cannot see infront because of the blinding lights.

But i just smiled. I gave the biggest smile i could muster. Naruto-kun guided me infront, to the emcee as she gave me a sweet smile, handing us mics.

"Hey Mr. Uzumaki Naruto. Miss Hinata Hyuuga." She, greeted. We just smile in response.

The next thing we knew is that we're already answering bunch of questions. About the movie we're making. About the new and unique casting. About me bieng Hinata. And about Us, Naruto-kun and I.

"Oh, so tell us Naruto-san," the male emcee started wiggling his brows up and down. "How do you describe miss Hinata the first time you saw her? Didn't you feel spark? What can you say about the in-fame White Lily standing before you?" He asked.

The question just made the crowds seemingly lose their sanity as they began chanting a four-syllables word. And as i could comprehend, its the word NaruHina.

I blushed by the word itself. It's Naruto-kun' s name mixed with mine.

It's our loveteam's name.

But the tingling sensation i felt disappeared the moment i gaze at Naruto-kun beside me. He is looking so serious, nervous, and he looks like he's spacing out. He haven't answered the question. And he kept on groaning.

"N-naruto kun?" I peek at his face. His ocean blue eyes meeting mine.

There, a smile crept his lips reaching his eyes as he intertwined our hands.

"Oh, sorry for spacing out," he nervously laughed meeting the male-emcee's gaze. "I just can't come up with any words. I don't know how to explain the sensation. I-i it's just so... shocking. I felt so lucky."

"The first time i saw Hina, one word popped my mind. It's the word; marriage." He laughed. The emcees also laughed and then signaled Naruto-kun to continue.

I know he meant that time. That time we noticed each other, 7 years ago...

"Yeah, funny isn't it? She's a total stranger that time, but i immediately want to marry her. Well who wouldn't want to marry her?" He glanced at me, then back to the emcee. "She's beautiful! Kind! Talented! Humble! A full package. And im very very lucky that i got to meet her. I'd say, i fall in love with white lily." He laughed. The emcees also laughed.

That's just a joke, right?

"What about you Hinata san? What is your first impression about Naruto san?" The emcee gazed at me.

"Well um... first, N-naruto kun is kind. Fun to be with. Comfortable to be with. Funny. Nice. Handsome." I smiled remembering how we first met. He is like a prince charming that time. He is always there for me. He comfort and assure me. And when we're officially on, he even faced ny father. We're like fifteen that time. "I like the way his ocean blue eyes boar into mine. It's like a real ocean that i could get drown into. A deep beautiful ocean. The view i always wanted to watch. His smile is like a music to me and his voice..." i paused. "His voice is like a music i always wanted here."

I was about to continue when the emcee groaned. I immediately gaze at him, only to see that he is smiling at me as though he is teasing me.

"Wow Hinata san. The way you describe Naruto san it's like you're writing a novel. And you, yourself is the point of view." He laughed. "You know Hinata san, i personally like your series. Im also inticed by your mystery, but now. Look at you! Bieng beautiful. Infront of us and having a project with Naruto san. Why did you agree in this project?"

"A friend asked me a favor."

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