Chapter 1

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Harper POV:

I looked down at the clear lake looking at my own reflection as my reflection looks back at me while I sat on the ground hugging my legs to my chest. I used my telekinesis to make a pebble float up in the air beside me before I made it throw in the lake making it skip before it sank. I continue to repeat the same thing using my telekineses to pick up pebbels and throw them in the lake watching them skip through the lake before sinking.

"I figured you would be here, Harper" said a familiar voice, I turn my head to see Mr. Chiron right behind me with a warm smile on his face. "M-Mr. Chiron" I said as I quickly got up and dusted myself off before I walk to him and stood in front of him "Is there something you need?" I asked, usually when Mr. Chiron wanted to speak to me it was mostly him scolding me for not making any friends or wanting me to help him do a small errand for him since he would mostly be busy doing other important things or he would make me train "Actually yes, I wanted you to help me with something" he said before handing me a small basket with healing herbs inside "I want you to go to the infirmary to deliver these healing herbs to them, can you do that?" he asked.

I mentally started to sweat, I have to deliver a basket of healing herbs to the infirmary tent meaning I had to talk to the people there, damn it, Mr. Chiron!! "S-sure" I stuttered before he gently placed his hand on my shoulder "You'll be fine Harper, I know you can do it, plus I also want you to talk to the new camper, make him your friend" he said with a smile. I remembered Mr. Chiron telling me we were going to have a new camper but unfortunately he was recovering in the infirmary tent after something happened to him three nights ago.

I sight in defeat knowing if I tried to go against it Mr. Chiron would push me to try "Sure" I mumbled but loud enough for Mr. Chiron to hear, he smiles again patting my back "I know you can do it Harper" he said before he started to walk away probably to go to the other centaurs.


I walked through the camp avoiding people, some of them would look at me weirdly which was making me feel uncomfortable so I walked a bit faster to the infirmary tent holding the basket closer to my chest just wanting to get it over with.

Once I saw the tent I quickly walk inside almost tripping on the steps, I looked around looking for a nurse until I spotted a nurse not long after, but I started to get nervous knowing I had to do the hard part, talking to her, I forced my legs to walk to her after they decided to be glued in place. Once I was in front of her I shakily poked her shoulder trying to get her attention, the nurse turns her head to me "Yes?" she asked, I open my mouth but nothing came out until I gave her the basket with my arms shaking, the nurse looks at the basket than at me confused and weirded out by my action "M-M-Mr. Chiron wanted me to deliver t-t-these herbs here" I stuttered.

The nurse takes the basket still weirded out "Thanks...?" she said before looking down at the basket "Couldn't he have asked someone else to do it?" she mumbled to herself which I heard clearly until she walked away. I wanted to leave the tent but I remembered Mr. Chiron told me to talk to the new camper and hopefully make him my friend, I looked around looking for an unfamiliar face, I mostly see other campers that had minor injuries from training. I soon stopped when I spotted an unfamiliar male unconscious on one of the beds, the camper had brown hair, he wore a blue washed put printed t-shirt and wore plains jeans. I had to admit he was pretty cute, my train of thoughts was interrupted when I saw him start to stir awake, I instantly panicked before I ran out of the infirmary tent.

"Sorry Mr. Chiron, I will rather be scolded by you than talk to him!!" 

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