Chapter 12

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Harper POV:

"Harper" I heard Percy's voice, I open my eyes as I realized I was laying my head on his shoulder, Annabeth and Percy must have switched when I passed out "Percy?" I lifted my head groaning "Are you okay? you kinda blacked out on us" I nodded my head "Sorry, I haven't slept in the past 5 days and I guess sleep decided to take over, how long was I out?" "The whole car ride to Hollywood, you worried me" Percy said, I looked through the window to see the dark sky while Grover was still driving to the large Hollywood sign.

Grover parked the car not far from the sign, we quickly got out of the car, and started running to the sign. "Don't slip. Watch your step" said Percy as we ran beside the sign "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! wait, wait, wait. Hold it" said Percy stopping with the three of us following him to see spray-painted graffiti that was written in greek " 'Woe to all depraved souls' " Percy read out loud, we all turned our heads to a small dirt mountain in front of us as it started to open a doorway, we walked to it as it fully opened. Percy looked at me before we started walking inside, inside was a dark cave with holes shining down small lights, the cave was filled with human skeleton heads with candles, I turn my head watching as rocks started to fall on the door until large rocks fall creating a huge crash closing the door "Well, guess it ain't no turning back now" said Grover "Yep. Looks like we're stuck in here" "Yeah" 

We continue to walk through the dark path until we noticed a man dressed in a robe was in a boat, the Ferryman "Hey, Perce, who's that creepy guy with the hoodie?" asked Grover "I don't know. Let's find out" he said grabbing his sword walking to the Ferryman with caution, I nodded my head grabbing my dagger. We walked in front of the Ferryman and the Ferryman turns to us, his eyes widen "Who are you?" asked the Ferryman "We need to see Hades" Percy answered "The living are not permitted here. Die and come back" said the Ferryman turning his head back "He is so creepy" I thought looking at the Ferryman "Okay, we won't 'die and come back,' know what?" said Grover turning to us "I think I know what he wants" "What?" asked Percy "You gotta pay the Ferryman. Watch this" said Grover walking to the Ferryman. 

"Yo! my friend!" he chuckles "What up?" he lifted his hand up for the Ferryman to high five but he didn't move nor spoke so Grover put his hand down "Okay, guess not. Look, you like dead people, right? I got a few dead people you might recognize" said Grover pulling out money "Check this out. Jackson, Grant. And look who's joining the party: Benjamin Franklin" said Grover showing him the money "Yeah, you like that, don't you? Look, you give us a boat ride, you take the money, and you get an interior decorator, 'cause it is too depressing in here. A'ight? there you go" said Grover handing the money to the Ferryman but the Ferryman ended up burning the money in front of Grover "That was $170!" I grab Percy's arm getting an idea "Percy, the drachma, try using those" I said to him, Percy nodded going to his pocket pulling out the drachma getting the Ferryman's attention. The Ferryman pulls his hand out to Percy, Percy places the drachma in his hand making the Ferryman close his hand "Climb aboard" "Thanks for telling me, man. You're burning money; we're in a recession. That's treason" said Grover getting on the boat, Percy grabs my hand helping me get on the boat until he got on, and than Annabeth.

The Ferryman started to use his paddle to move the boat to the Underworld, it looked like Hollywood but it was different "Welcome to the Underworld" the Ferryman welcomed, I look up to see different items floating in the air in a row "What are those?" I asked the Ferryman "The scrap heap of human misery. Lost hopes and dreams. Wishes that never came true" The Ferryman answered, I turn to Percy to see him grab a watch looking down at it before letting it float with the other items. I look down from the boat hearing echoed screams to see a large fire pit "All lives end in suffering and tragedy" said the Ferryman taking us to a large dark castle. Hades Castle.

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