Chapter 7

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 Harper's POV:

We finally make it to the location, but I was completely embarrassed. Percy got us these tickets to use for to ride a transportation called a bus, I wasn't sure what a bus was and Percy, through the whole bus ride explained to me what a bus was. It was my first time going outside, I never went on missions or quests because Mr. Chiorn said it was too dangerous and I wasn't ready.

We get off the bus to Auntie Em's garden and it looked creepy and abandoned "This place definitely needs an extreme makeover" said Grover making me nod in agreement. We make it inside to see it looked even more creepy and abandoned "Hello!" Percy called "Hello? anybody home in Auntie-ville?" asked Grover looking around "Check this out. They got free sodas" Grover and Annabeth go to a box but once they did I could hear squeaking making Grover and Annabeth shriek letting the top go "Okay. That's nasty" said Grover wiping his hands off with his jacket "The health department needs to give this place a F" I tilted my head, what's a health department? 

"Hey, guys, check this out" said Annabeth getting our attention, we follow her probably to the garden area to a fountain "Look at this" said Annabeth pulling her sleeve up, I look in the fountain water as she dips her hands in the water pulling out what looked like gold coins "Nice" said Grover "Golden drachmas" "That means we're on the right track" said Grover "Here" said Annabeth as she handed the drachmas to Percy "How are we going to find a pearl in this place?" asked Annabeth, I looked around, the place looked really big, it would take forever to look for a small green pearl "That's a good question" said Grover.

Percy sights "Okay, let's split up. Check everything" "Good idea" "Yeah" I didn't speak, I wasn't sure if it was a good idea, I felt uneasy about the place "Harper, are you okay?" asked Percy getting me out of my thoughts, I turn to him to see Annabeth and Grover already left "I-I'm fine, I just feel uneasy about this place" I answered "If you want you can come with me" Percy offered, I nodded as we started to walk in a direction.

We walked through a path, I looked around but there was so many statues "So many statues" I said as Percy nodded in agreement, the statues were covered in dead leaves and almost looked old. "Percy! Annabeth! Harper! we're in trouble!" Grover shouts "Grover?!" Percy shouts as he grabs his pen turning it into a sword, I quickly grab my dagger, and the two of us started running shouting for Grover "Grover, where are you?!" Percy shouts as we continued to run looking for him.

"Percy! Annabeth! Harper" we heard Grover shout "Annabeth, where are you?" "Grover!" shouted Percy but than Grover ran into the two of us making all of us fall to the ground groaning in pain "Come on, man. Watch where you're going" Percy groans, "Perce, Harp, listen!" said Grover quickly getting up, I got up still groaning as I look down to see my dagger slashed my arm but I ignored it "Where are we?" asked Percy getting up and picking up his backpack "We're in Medusa's lair" Grover answers.

My eyes widen, that explains all the statues and their facial expressions, they weren't just statutes, but once human "Annabeth!" "Annabeth!" "Annie!" the three of us called as we started running again now looking for Annabeth. I continued to run looking for Annabeth but when I looked around me I saw I was separated from Percy and Grover "When did I...?! How did I...?!" I looked around me looking for Percy and Grover but I couldn't find them. I started running hoping to look for Percy, Grover, and Annabeth "You have such beautiful hair" said a female voice, I quickly stopped seeing a woman with a cloth covering her hair and also wore sunglasses walking to Annabeth and another woman. I quickly hid behind a statute and lucikly she didn't see me "I once had hair like that" said the lady stroking parts of Annabeths hair "I was courted...desired by many suitors. But that all changed...because of your mother--" said the lady with anger in her voice "the woman who cursed me. Who turned me..." she slowly started to unwrap her cloth "Don't look!" Annabeth shouts shutting her eyes and the lady shutting and covering her eyes "...into this!" she shouts ripping the cloth off her head to reveal snakes hissing at them.

I quickly hid behind the statue "That really is Medusa!!" I quickly and cautiously stuck my head out, again, luckily I was behind Medusa so her powers wouldn't affect me "They say the eyes are window to the soul. I hope you find my eyes...attractive" said Medusa slowly taking her sunglasses off while her snakes continue to hiss. Annabeth and the lady still kept their eyes shut "So rude, not looking people in the eyes" said Medusa, I can till they want to look but they still tried to keep their eyes glued shut "Come on...sneak a peek" Medusa encouraged, the lady next to Annabeth slowly puts her hand down and open her eyes to look at Medusa.

The snakes hiss louder and the lady turned into stone trapping Annabeth's wrist "You make a wonderful addition to my collection" said Medusa walking to the lady now statue "We'll be friends forever. Do you mind" said Medusa placing her sunglasses on the statue's hand before slowly walking to Annabeth "Sooner or later, you will open those eyes" said Medusa "The temptation to look at me is too hard to resist" "Don't look Annabeth. Don't open your eyes" said a voice, I recognized it as Percy's, Medusa instantly turned her head to his voice "Who's that? another demigod" Medusa said talking to her snakes before walking to his direction.

"No!!" I follow Medusa as she followed Percy "Son of Poseidon" said Medusa placing her hand on a statue, I hid behind some large plants besides Percy "I used to date your daddy" she said pushing the statues causing the line of statues to fall like dominos, the statue behind Percy was about to fall on Percy but I use my telekinesis to stop it before it landed on Percy, Medusa turns her head towards my hiding spot so I immediately close my eyes while trying to focus on keeping the statue in place so it wouldn't hurt Percy.

I can hear someone stomping towards me before lifting me up with the hem of my shirt, I knew it was Medusa "Percy, run!!" I shout, I heard running footsteps before dropping the statue, I grab my dagger swinging it at Medusa but Medusa instantly catches my wrist tightly "Son of Harpocrates" said Medusa, her snakes hissing at me "Open your eyes, I want to see your eyes" said Medusa, I can hear some of her snakes hissing in my ears, like they were whispering to me, I try to move my head to the side but she uses her hand to move my head back towards her "Do not look away" she said "Stay here with me" I could hearing whispering in my ears, telling me to open my eyes.

I heard a crash and something moving towards us, I immediately break from Medusa's grip falling to the side. I open my eyes groaning in pain, I landed on a pile of broken statues causing a huge gash on my dagger wound to get worse "Are you okay?" I could hear Annabeth asked until I heard Grover yell than started laughing "Yeah, I'm okay!" I lifted my head up but instantly closed my eyes when I saw Medusa get up, I could hear her walking towards me growling. I heard her gasp and a thud before another louder thud was heard "Heads up" I heard Percy's voice. I open my eyes seeing Percy running towards me "Percy" I said as he helped me get up "Are you okay?" he asked, I nodded my head using my sleeve to hide my wound, we both turned to see a red vehicle which I think Percy said was a truck.

"Hey, guys" said Percy walking to the truck and cleaning his sword from Medusa's blood "It's cool to open up your eyes" said Percy hitting the front of the truck "Annabeth, that was great, great demigod driving" said Grover as he and Annabeth got out of the truck "Thanks" said Annabeth with a smile as she and Grover fist bumped "Oh...ugh!" said Grover his mood instantly changing to a disgusted face as we all looked at the head of Medusa "We should take it with us" "The head? oh, no. That's sick" said Grover still disgusted.

"If you open the eyes, they still work, dead or alive" said Annabeth "It can come in handy" I said agreeing with Annabeth "Yeah, you're right, but I'm not touching it" said Grover finally agreeing "Come on, man. Just take off your jacket. We'll wrap it up until we get some ice" said Percy, I sighed as I walked off to find my dagger, I dropped it when I freed myself from Medusa, I looked at the ground until I found my dagger next to her body. I kneeled on one knee picking up my dagger but when I was about to get up my eyes caught something glowing from Medusa's wrist, I get closer to her body moving up her sleeve to see it was the pearl on a piece of jewelry that was shaped like a gold snake.

"Guys!" I called as I take the pearl off the jewelry and got up, I turn to them to see they were all looking at me while Grover was holding the covered head. I lifted up my hand showing the pearl to them "The pearl" I said with a smile, the three smile at me seeing the pearl in my hand 

"One down, three to go"

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