Chapter 3

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Harper's POV:

I stumble to my cabin, my whole body hurt from Annabeth. I walk inside my cabin, my cabin was plain since I never bothered to decorate but my father's symbol, torches that light the cabin, a large table that has books and scrolls, and a bed. I grab a first aid that was on my nightstand, which I always keep in case something like this happened, which happens all the time, I start to clean my wounds which burned and patched them up.

I lay on my bed but I knew I had to get up, today was another training session of Capture the Flag, not my favorite. I get up from bed groaning in annoyance, I walk to my closet pulling out the armor that I always hated wearing.

I put on my armor, grab my wristguards, and grab my dagger before leaving my cabin heading straight to the training ground while putting on my wristguards

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I put on my armor, grab my wristguards, and grab my dagger before leaving my cabin heading straight to the training ground while putting on my wristguards.


Once I make it, I watched as everyone was training or getting ready "Heroes! Warriors! Fall in!" Mr. Chiron shouts, everyone stopped what they were doing walking to Mr. Chiron and going to their teams, red and blue. I was in the red team, much to the team's disappointment "Hustle, hustle!" said Mr. Chiron as everyone got in their teams, I was on the way back of the team which I was ok with since Annabeth was in the front "Percy, step forward" said Mr. Chiron as a boy walks beside him, I immediately recognized him from the infirmary.

"This is Percy Jackson" Mr. Chiron announces, everyone started to whisper to each other which really confused me, did everyone know who Percy was? "And he's going to need a team" "We'll take him" I recognized that voice, Luke Castellan, son of Hermes, God of Travelers and Thieves. I watched as Luke walks in front of his blue team to Percy and Mr. Chiron "I'm Luke, son of Hermes and camp leader--not necessarily in that order" Luke introduces himself.

I knew Luke, but we aren't really friends, we would talk at times and he was really nice to me, at times he would stand up for me when I was getting bullied.

"Where's your helmet?" Luke asked Percy, Percy looks around at the blue team and then back at Luke "No one gave me one" he answers, I look down, I never got a helmet when I joined the red team, and still didn't have one since no one in the red team bothered to give me one ever time I asked for one "Uh..." Luke looked at Mr. Chiron with a worried and scared look "Chiron, you still got your wheelchair? kid's going to need it. You're a goner, man" said Luke which started to scare Percy but then Luke smiles jokingly "I'm messing with you, Smile a little bit. It's good for you, kid" said Luke playfully hitting Percy's arm.

"Anybody got an extra helmet? please pass it up" said Luke until they handed him a helmet "Uh...try it on" he handed it to Percy which he takes "That'll protect you. So will all of us. Welcome to the Blue Soldiers, my friend" said Luke with a smile.

"All right, I want everyone in position for Capture the Flag. First team to capture the enemy's banner wins. Dismissed" said Mr. Chiron.

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