Chapter 15

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Harper POV:

The elevator soon stopped, and my legs were shaking a bit from the sudden speed. The doors opened and me, Percy, and Annabeth walked through "Whoa" I said looking at mount Olympus "Olympus" said Percy, the three of us turned to his mother to see she was still inside the elevator "Percy, I can't get through" she said placing her hand in front of her with a clear force field stopping her. I remember Mr. Chiron explaining to me that mortals couldn't enter the camp or Olympus "You've got to go!" said Percy's mother, Percy nodded as we started to run to the building that was on top of the mountain.


I breathed heavily once we made it to the top "So many stairs!! why does Olympus have to have so many stairs!?" I asked in my head as we ran inside "Wait!" Percy yells as we run through giant doors as he held the bolt up "Wait! wait" we looked around in amazement, in front of us were the Gods and Goddess sitting in chairs except for four of them, three Gods and one Goddess "My name is Percy Jackson, and I think you might be looking for this" said Percy holding the bolt up to show them. They all looked at Percy as the God which I must assume to be Zeus walks away from the other three. The three of us ran in front of Zeus, Zeus leans down with his hand out "Give me the bolt, lighting thief" said Zeus, Percy tosses the bolt to Zeus which he caught with ease. 

The bolt grew brighter and bigger as it sizzled and crackled with thunder and lightning roaring and flashing outside "You're wise to betray your father" said Zeus looking down at Percy "I didn't steal it" said Percy "And I have no connection to Poseidon" he added, I turn my head to a God who had his eyes turn away from us with hurt. "But tell me, if you didn't steal it, then who did?" asked Zeus "Luke, son of Hermes" I spoke up standing beside Percy "You see, he was angry at you. All of you. He wanted you to destroy yourself" Percy adds.

The Gods and Goddess looked at each other especially the three still standing, they looked at each other and then back at us "You have done well" said Zeus, me, Percy, and Annabeth looked at each other before back at Zeus as he started walking back to his chair "Let there be peace" Zeus announces. The three still standing looked back at us, the Goddess smiles "Hi, mom" said Annabeth weakly, her eyes shining with tears, Athena smiles wide "Annabeth. I am so proud of you" said Athena, my eyes turn to a God next to her, who was looking right back at me with a proud smile also, tears also started to form in my eyes "Dad..." I was able to let out, he smiles wide confirming it "Harper, I'm very proud of you" he said his eyes also shining with tears.

"Zeus, I have a good friend" said Percy as I wiped the tears out of my eyes "He's a satyr named Grover. He's my protector. And the only reason why we escaped the Underworld is because he stayed behind" said Percy "And now you expect me to bring him back" said Zeus looking at us, Percy didn't say anything "Very well" said Zeus. We all sighed in relief "I believe this assembly's business here is finished" said Zeus as he gets up from his chair and started to walk away. Poseidon and dad walked to Zeus stopping him "Brother, please" Poseidon begs "Let us speak to our sons" Dad begged, Zeus looks at them both "Just this once" said Zeus before walking away with the other Gods and Goddess doing the same except for Poseidon and dad. "I'll meet you guys outside" said Annabeth as she walks away, I watched as the two Gods walked to us kneeling down "Harper, why don't we talk somewhere else" said dad, I looked at Percy and then back at him nodding my head.

We walked into a column hallway before we stopped not that far away from Percy and Poseidon, I looked up at dad as he shrinks down to human size, and he smiles at me "Look how much you've grown" he said, I nodded my head "Yeah, but I'm not exactly what you would want to expect from me, I'm not exactly a big strong and buff warrior" I said looking down, dad places his hand on my shoulder gripping it softly in comfort "That is not true Harper, look at you and look around you, you fought alongside with your friends to get here" he said, I look up at him "There's so much I want to tell you, dad, so much to ask you, so much I wanted to do with you ever since I was small" I said my voice breaking. He gives me a sad smile pulling me into a hug "I know Harper, you have no idea how much I wanted to see you but I can't because of the law" he breaks the hug "But just know that I will always be by your side, even when you don't see me, I am still there with you, watching over you" he said with a warm smile, I smile back at him and nod my head "Just know I love you, Harper, I always have" he said "I love you too dad" I said back as we walked back to Poseidon and Percy.

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