Chapter 9

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Harper POV:

After the incident with the hotel, we finally made it to Nashville, Grover drove the truck to Parthenon. 

The four of us walked through the large park, I looked around to see so many people, I walked a bit closer to Percy, our shoulders touching, he slowly grabs my hand gripping it to comfort me "Wow. that's amazing" said Annabeth looking up at the Parthenon "A complete replica of the Parthenon in Nashville" "All right, guys. Let's go get the pearl" said Grover, I nodded my head as we walk inside.

The four of us looked up to see a large statue inside "That's your mom" Percy whispers to Annabeth "Wonder if she really looks like that" said Annabeth as she looks at Percy and Percy looking back at her "We'll find out" said Percy "Guys, check this out" said Grover as he started walking to the statue with the rest of us following, we all look up at the statue realizing it "It's the pearls" said Grover.

One pearl was on Athena's crown and the other pearl was on her neacklace "That was easy" said Grover with a smile "Easy? it's 30 feet in the air, and this place is filled with tourists" said Annabeth speaking low so the people around us didn't hear "I got an idea" said Percy getting our attention "We'll come back after this place closes. Come on. Follow me" said Percy, I nodded as I started following him with Annabeth "Or I can just throw my crutch up there. I'm saying the pearls will fall out" "Grover!" Percy calls "Perce, I'm saying's not a bad idea" said Grover.


It was silent in the park, probably dark outside as we all got off the toilet we were each standing on from each restroom stall before getting out "The park's been closed for an hour. Let's move" said Percy as we leave the bathroom "Yes, sir" said Grover.

"All right, this'll be easy" said Percy, I nodded my head as we left the bathroom "I'm gonna fly up; I'm gonna use Luke's flying shoes. I'm gonna grab the pearls...and then--oh" Percy didn't finish explaining his plan as we hid behind a column, we each poke our heads out to see men cleaning the area "Okay, so what are we going to do?" Grover asked "All right, guys" said Annabeth taking her backpack off "I got this" she pulls out a small crossbow as the three males turn to her "Hey, whoa, hey,'re gonna kill the janitors?" asked Grover almost panicking "Chill" said Annabeth as she runs off "Those are working-class Americans" Grover whisper yells.

I watch as Annabeth goes to the first janitor shooting a small arrow at his back, than the second, the third janitor, fourth janitor, and than the fifth. "Aw, why did you do that?" asked Grover as we ran to her "They're not dead. They're unconscious. Now, we have 30 minutes. Come on" Annabeth explained before she walks to the janitors "Cool" said Grover as he sights in relief. It didn't take long as me and Grover dragged the last janitor to the other unconscious janitors pilled on one another "Y'all, what's cracking?" asked Grover as me and him walk back to Percy and Annabeth.

Percy was putting on the flying shoes while Annabeth had her laptop open "Hey. Luke" she called on her laptop "Annabeth" said Luke on the other side of the laptop "How do you turn on the shoes?" Annabeth asked "Tell Percy he's got to break into a run, okay? he's got to build up speed, kind of like a...a jet on a...on a runway. But it's going to take some practice" Luke explained. "Okay" said Percy as he gets into a running position"I go this" I watched as Percy started to run, the shoes started to flap their wings making him fly into the air "It's going to take some practice!" Grover shouts.

Percy flies in the air trying to reach out to the pearl on the crown but fails when he crashes into the statue, he started to slide down but was able to stop himself grabbing a piece of Athena's hair "Percy!" I shout. I continue to watch as Percy climbs on the statue grabbing the pearl on the necklace before climbing further up to the crown, Percy rips the pearl off the crown before showing us the two pearls he had in his hand "I got them" he sais "Yes!" "Yeah, Percy!" "Way to go Percy!" 

Percy slowly flew down landing on the ground showing us the two pearls again "There they are" he said with a smile "That's what I'm taking about" said Grover as we walked to them "Way to go" said Annabeth as they both hugged "You did amazing" I said as he hugged me making me blush "All right, let's grab everything, let's..." "Uh-ho" said Percy interrupting Annabeth, I turned my head to the five janitars blocking the door "Oh, man" said Grover "Look, I got this, okay? Hey, guys, I'm with Park Recreational Services. You guys have been caught sleeping on the job. You better be happy I'm not writing you guys up. Okay? this is the last time" said Grover "We've been expecting you, Mr. Jackson" the five janitors said in sync "Not again" said Percy as he sights.

"Just give us the lighting bolt and we'll let you go" "Look, I don't have the lightning bolt" said Percy walking in front of us, that was when the janitor in the middle coughts but not a normal cought, fire came out of his coughing "Okay...this is bad" said Grover as Percy stepped back. We all watched as the janitors slowly turn into a dark mist morphing together until they transformed into a large dragon with five heads "Hydra!" Annabeth yelled as we started running Percy grabbing my wrist.

"Guys, watch out! the middle one spews fire!" Annabeth warned and on cue the middle head breathed out fire making each of us hide behind a column, the middle head soon breathed out more fire causing Percy's jacket sleeve to catch fire making him throw the pearls "The pearls!" I shouted running to them but stopped when the middle dragon breathed out fire again, I pull out my dagger stabbing at the heads that tried to attack me, I quickly turned my head up to see Percy with his shield and sword flying in the air. Percy dodges the fire the middle one breathed out before he charges at them cutting each of their heads "Percy!!" I shouted running to Grover and Annabeth "Stop!!" I shouted but I knew he couldn't hear me as he kept cutting their heads "No!" Annabeth shouts.

The middle dragon breaths out fire at Percy but with enough time I used pyrokinesis to slpit the fire in half with Percy inbetween the fire, Percy flies to the middle cutting it's head 'killing' it as it stumbled to the ground "How flippin' awesome was that?" said Percy landing to the ground "I just killed that thing" "Give me some, my man" Grover cheers "Killed it?! you just made it worse!" I said to Percy "What are you talking about?" asked Percy confused "Percy, when you cut off one Hydra head...two more grow back" said Annabeth. We all looked up and watch as the Hydra heads grew back but more heads appeared "Get Back!" I yelled getting in front of them as the two hydra heads breathed out fire, I used my pyrokinesis again to split the fire in half "Distract them! we'll get the pearls!" Percy shouts, me and Annabeth nodded.

Annabeth pulled out her bow and arrow and started to shoot at the Hydra, the Hydra turns to her walking to her, me and Percy run to the pearls but heard growling behind us, we turned our heads to see two Hydra heads shoot fire at us "Percy!!" I get in front of Percy using my pyrokinesis to lift the fire in the air before we both got behind the statue with the Hydra following behind until pulling back. Percy tried to reach for the pearls but the Hydra blew out more fire at him burning his hand, the second middle Hydra breathed out more fire but I use my power again to make the fire go a different direction, the Hydra slithers to us ready to breath out fire but the water fountain behind it exploded with water, I look at Percy to see his hand out, he was controlling the water. He leads the water to the Hydra creating a large water wall between us and the Hydra.  

We both walks to the water wall as Percy grabs both the pearls, he grabs my hand running to the side with the water falling to the ground "Let's go!" he yells to Annabeth and Grover as they also started running "Go!" "Open the door!" me and Percy run to the door and tried to open them but they were both locked "The door won't open" Percy said as we continued to struggle to get the doors open "Grover!" Annabeth shouts, I turn my head to see him run in front of the Hydra as he pulls out Meduas's head out of his bag, he takes the sunglasses off as the Hydra blew out fire but was stopped in front of Grover like a shield the snakes of Meduas hissing awake until Grover put the sunglasses back on her.

The four of us watch in shock as the Hydra started to turn into stone. Me, Percy, and Annabeth walk to Grover "Whoo!" Grover cheered before he chuckles kissing Medusa's cheek "Ugh! that's nasty" said Grover wiping his lips before chuckling again.

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