Chapter 5

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Harper POV:

That night everyone started to celebrate with a bonfire which I was forced to go to by Mr. Chiron, there were so many people gathered around which I didn't like. "Mr. Chiron, do I have to be here?" I asked hugging my arm closer to me while looking at all the people talking to each other or eating or drinking before looking up at Mr. Chiron "Of course, I don't want you to be all alone in your cabin when you could be out here with everyone else" he said. I sighed as and when Mr. Chiron turned away I snuck away, away from the bonfire and everyone else. I sat by a tree further away facing away from them, I stick out my hand creating a small fire.

"Woah" I jumped making the fire disappear as I turn around to see Percy beside me looking down at me "O-Oh, Percy, you scared me" I said "Sorry about that" He chuckled sitting beside me making me blush, I never had anyone sit next to me before "So...

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"Woah" I jumped making the fire disappear as I turn around to see Percy beside me looking down at me "O-Oh, Percy, you scared me" I said "Sorry about that" He chuckled sitting beside me making me blush, I never had anyone sit next to me before "So, what was that just now?" he asked getting me out of my blushing state "Oh, um, it's just another of my powers, pyrokinesis" I said.

Percy looked at me confused "I-I can create and control fire with my mind" I explained as I created the small fire on my hand again, Percy looks at the fire and then at me "Doesn't it hurt?" "No, i-i-it doesn't" I answered making the fire disappear "So you have telekinesis and pyrokinesis?" he asked "I-I also have s-s-silence inducement, telepathy, and memory projection" I added "That's really cool" he said making me blush.

"So, why aren't you with everyone else?" Percy asked pointing his thumb behind him "Oh um...I'm not really a people person, just being in a large group makes me feel uncomfortable, I'm just here because Mr. Chiron dragged me here to make friends" I answered nervously chuckling "I would rather be in my cabin" Percy chuckles.

We both started laughing but that didn't last long when a large explosion was heard behind us making us jump and quickly get up, we both turned to see the bonfire grow larger than before, we both looked at each other and run to the bonfire. I quickly take out my dagger as a large demon-like creature comes out, my eyes widen in pure shock, Hades. Hades looked around as if he was searching for something or someone "Percy Jackson, show yourself!" he roared, both me and Percy look at each other.

Hades creates a ball of fire in his hand and throws it at a table causing an explosion and making some people fly. Percy grabs my arm stepping back as everyone did the same, Hades created another ball of fire throwing it causing another eruption, he created a third one and throws it right beside us causing us to step away from it "Hades!" Mr. Chiron yelled as he pushes Percy and me to the side "Stay back!" he yells as he grabs his two swords.

"Percy Jackson, bring me the bolt" said Hades, bolt? what bolt? I turned to Percy confused by what Hades meant "Be a good boy. Hand it to me and I will exchange it for your mother" said Hades "Perc. Don't listen, Percy!" yells Mr. Chiron as Percy runs to Hades, I couldn't speak I was to frightened and confused by what was going on. I wanted to go after him but Mr. Chiron grabbed my shoulder "Don't Harper, it's too dangerous!"

"My mother's gone!" yelled Percy getting in front of Hades "No, your mother is still alive. I sent the Minotaur to abduct her. She is here with me in the Underworld" said Hades as he creates a fire in his hands sending it down in front of Percy, the fire soon formed into a woman, probably his mother. "Mom?" Percy said in disbelief "Percy..." said his mother, the two looked at each other until Hades swings his hand at the fire making it vanish.

"What have you done with my mother?" Percy asked with anger in his voice "If you ever want to see your mother again, you will bring me the bolt" said Hades before he disappeared into the large fire. Both Mr. Chiron and me ran to Percy "Chiron, I have to go get her" " don't have the bolt" Mr. Chiron reminds him "Look, I'll tell him the truth. When he realizes I'm not the thief, he'll release her" said Percy trying to come up with anything to save his mother "No, you cannot negotiate with Hades. When he finds out you don't have the bolt, he will kill you and your mother" said Mr. Chiron crossing his arms "This is her only chance" "No. Stick to our plan. Travel to Olympus, bargain with Zeus. Once you convince him of your innocence, we will do everything in our power to bring your mother" said Mr. Chiron patting Percy's shoulder "Okay" said Percy, he turns his head to me, Annabeth and Grover that I didn't realize until Mr. Chiron was talking to Percy. The three of us looked at each other then back at Percy.

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