Chapter 16

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Harper POV:

I was walking through the camp, everything changed when I came back, I started to open up more which surprised everyone, I started to take battle lessons with Annabeth "Whoa, Perce, watch out!" I heard someone yell, I turn my head to see Grover running in front of Percy in front of the archers.

"Whoa, you guys gonna kill the man who saved the world?" asked Grover, I laugh as I walk to them "Great job. All of you guys take a lunch break. Thank you" Grover chuckles as we walked through "Seriously Percy, you could have gotten yourself killed and you just saved the world" I spoke up making Percy and Grover chuckle "So, the conquering hero returns triumphant" said Grover "Grover" Percy said his name "Hey, you notice anything different about me?" asked Grover "No" Percy immediately answered as Grover stops making us stop as well "You sure? anything that's improved about me?" asked Grover showing his head with his small horns but me and Percy pretended we didn't notice "No, what?" Percy asked "You've been working out" I guessed "You get a new cologne? you smell good" said Percy trying to hold in a laugh, Grover pulled his head up in disbelief "Look, man, I got my horns!" Grover said with excitement showing us his small horns.

"Oh! we were seeing them the whole time" said Percy grabbing Grover's head to see his horns better "Look at that thing" said Percy making me and Grover laugh "Got little horns" I said looking at the horns "Right? Zeus came through" said Grover as Percy lets his head go "Crazy" "Cool" both me and Percy said at the same time "Now I'm senior Protector, First Class, baby" said Grover "Congratulations" I said "You earned them" said Percy following behind "Thank you, guys" said Grover, before laughing as we started walking.

"Keep moving! keep moving! don't lose interest" Mr. Chiro shouted at the campers training in an obstacle course "One foot in front of the other, and the next thing you know, you're running!" he raised his voice at the last part. The three of us walked through the course to Mr. Chiron "Percy, Harper" said Mr. Chiron as we stopped right in front of him "You left the camp. You disobeyed my orders" said Mr. Chiron before looking at me "Especially you Harper, this is the first time you ever disobeyed me" I started to feel nervous "Yeah, about that. um..." said Percy trying to come up with something "Which is why..." said Mr. Chiron getting our attentions "You're my favorite students" he finishes making us confused "You can receive all the training in the world, but, ultimately, you have to follow your instincts. Grace under pressure" said Mr. Chiron with a smile until he turns to me again "And you, Harper, I am proud of you, despite being shy, quiet, and not much of a fighter you still went out of your way to fight and make friends" I turn to Percy and Grover before back at Mr. Chiron smiling "I wouldn't have done it without you, Mr. Chiron, you pushed me and never gave up on me despite the many fails I did, you looked after me, and raised me. Now, I made three amazing friends that I get to fight alongside with" I said, he smiles at me before he looks at Percy "All right. Time to train. Go suit up. You might be a big shot on Olympus, but down here, you're still just one of my students" Mr. Chiron said making me chuckle "Move it" I look at Percy "I'll see you later Percy" I started to run to the training ground.

"Annabeth!!" I called out to her as I jogged to the training ground, Annabeth lift her head up seeing me as she smiles "Sorry I'm late, I was talking to Mr. Chiron" I said stopping in front of her, I decided not to tell her Percy was back and make it a surprise for her, ever since I came back me and Annabeth grew close, best friends, and she offered to train me. "It's alright, you're here now" said Annabeth tossing me a sword which I caught "Ready?" she asked getting into a battle stance, I nod my head doing the same. Annabeth runs to me swinging her sword at me, I use my sword to shield myself before pushing her sword away and swinging at her, she jumps back dodging my sword, she tries to strike at me, but I would use my sword to shield myself while also trying to strike back at her. 

When we were about to strike each other we both turned our heads to see Percy watching us with a smile, Annabeth smiles seeing him as we both got out of our battle stances "Welcome home" said Annabeth as Percy walks in front of us. Percy smiles at her and I smiled at him, Annabeth looks at me then Percy "I just remembered, I have to go train with the others, I'll see you both later" said Annabeth before giving me the 'you got this' look as she walked away. I started to blush red knowing what she meant; I look at her then at Percy and he looked back at me " really don't know...I-I mean...I-I-I don't know how...mean I don't-" Percy stops me from becoming a stuttering mess as he walks to me and kisses me, it took me a second to process what was going on as I started to blush red like a tomato that I almost fainted, he breaks the kiss and chuckles seeing my red face "I love you, Harper" he said smiling leaning to me making his forehead touch mine, I got out of my blushing state and smiled back at him "I love you too, Percy" I said as I lean to him kissing him again.

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