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It was a  dark and scary night in the town of peaceville and everywhere was decorated for Halloween even the elementary school. The school gym was decorated for a Halloween party while kin and kon kujira are seen hugging each other out of fear as they looked at a shadowy figure standing in front of them. They finally came into the light, revealing themself to be non other than laney Penn with a deepened look and her hands on her hips which actually made the twins to shrick in fear,much to laney's annoyances.

"Stop doing that!". Laney said.

"Then stop wearing such scary costumes ". Kon said in fear, making laney to look down at what she was wearing, which were her regular clothes before she  glared at the twins. Suddenly the doors were shot opened to reveal a very excited Corey riffin.

"Fellow grojbandians, what's the one thing that would make tonight's Halloween gig the awesomest of all Halloween gigs?!". Corey asked.

"A killer new tune complete with lyrics?". Laney asked, which got her a wrong buzzing sound.

Kin and kon are now seen with game show tables, as kin quickly slammed his buzzer. "Ooh! A killer new amp with a freaky skull on it?".

"So close". Corey said before pulling a amp with a skull on it over." A killer new amp with a freaky skull on it that glows in the dark!". Corey looked at the skull for a moment before getting a deepened look. "Trust me, if it were dark that skull would so be glowing ".

"It's cool, core, but-". Laney was cut off by Corey placing a finger on her lips as her brought her into a side hug.

"Shuuu, I know laney, and I'm sorry I've neglected you all this time".

This got laney all flustered as her heart went all like "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!".

"Should have said that I dig your costume. My bad, man, it's sick!"

That changed laney's mood as her heart literally came out through her mouth and stood on her thonge with its things packed up in a tiny bag, saying " That's it, I'm outta here " before it jumped off her tongue and landed with a 'splat' on the floor.

Finally, Corey noticed that something or someone was missing. "Hay, where's roxana? I thought she'd be here".

On cue, smock suddenly surrounded the room and random howls where heard which actually got the band surprised.

"Okay, what's going on?". Kon asked, he and his brother slightly hugging each other due to the sudden atmosphere.

A Whislte was then heard, grabbing the band's attention as they turned to the direction it came from. That's when they saw a figure sitting on one of the snack tables and facing the other way. The figure was wearing blue-buttoned overalls over a red, blue, green and white sweater and had on red snickers. The person finally turned their head to face the band to reveal they had messy brown hair, blue eyes and scars on their face. The person then gave out a devilish smile and held out a KNIFE?!. That scared the poop out of the band as they shrieked in fear, while the  person jumped off the table and began walking over to the them.

You are my buddy until the end

The figure sang as the band shrieked, remembering the song they were singing.

"Ahh! It's Annabelle!". Kon cried

"No kon, it's chucky!". Kin corrected

"Bu-but it's just a movie, how can he be real?!". Laney asked before she and the others backs hit the wall they were backing up to, clearly having no where else to go.

More than a buddy, you're my best friend

The life size chucky stood in front of the scared teens with the knife in his hand raised up high.

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now