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The chapter start with kin sitting on a throne made of speakers, as he squirted his eyes and holds a chord in his right hand. Suddenly, the lights turned on, ruining his 'kingly' moment, as he looked down at laney smirkingat him.

"What's that?". Laney asked, pointing at the throne of arms.

"It's my mu-sage chair". Kin answered, placing a hand on his chest. "Kin, engage".

Kin plugs the chord to his throne, as he looked at the stage where his grinning brother is sitting behind his drums.

"Music and massage, all wrapped in one!". Kin exclaimed, plugging in the other end of the chord to his drum set, making seven other mallets to pop out of the drum, all identical to the mallet on kon's pedal. "Now let's get knots outta that deep tissue!".

Kin smashed his foot on the pedal, making kin to blast off his throne and crash into the closed garage door with a 'wam' before he fell on the floor. The garage door then opened up to reveal Corey and roxana in bear costumes. One playingthe guitar and the other playing the tambourine, as kin eyes widen, thinking they were real bears.

"Bears!". He cried. "We've trained for this! Kon! Play dead!".

Kon gasp, before doing as he was told, while the band leader and manager snickered,  before pulling down the mouths of their costumes to reveal their faces.

"Relax amigos". Roxana said.

"Yeah, they're just costumes that roxy got made". Corey added, smirking as he shared a look with the Mallory girl, before they put their instruments away.

"Obviously". Laney scoffed, smirking as she leans forward to face the older kujira sibling that was still on the ground. "Bears wouldn't, y'know, play a guitar or tambourine, right kin?".

Kin got up to his feet and grinned nervously. "Sure, we uhh noticed that like crazy".

"What's with the costumes, guys?". Laney asked, looking at the brlunettes.

"Remember yesterday we were talking about outfits for the band?". Corey asked, as they all remembered the twins wearing their dirty socks on their heads and hands, which made the three guitarist of the group to shiver at the memory in disgust.

"That was disturbing in so many ways". Roxana commented, hugging herself, as Corey nodded in agreement.

"Agreed". Corey agreed, making kin to roll his eyes before Corey wrapped his arms around his and laney's shoulders. "So then roxana got me thinking, what if instead of saying no, I say yes".

"Yes to . . . Bear costumes,". The Penn girl questioned.

"Let me explain it to guys". Roxana exclaimed, placing a hand on her chest. "So earlier today, I was busy helping Nick make some pen-pal letters fur all the animals at the peaceville zoo. So then I thought that why don't grojband become a costume band. I mean there're already tones of huge animal costume bands, Like porka polka, the four-man horse, and who could forget the chicken suit experience!".

"Just FYI, roxy. Those costume bands were also lyric bands". Laney pointed out, doing a finger gun at the manhole.

Corey immediately came up to the bassist and placed his index finger on her lips to shush her.

"But core-".

Corey once again shush her, while smirking. "Why so negative fella? Dose someone need a bear-hug?". The blunette brought the bassist into a tight bear-hug, much to laney's diligent as heart floated out of her and she had a goofy wide smile on her face, but the smile dropped when Corey cacually dropped her on the floor.

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now