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"Tonight , math takes the stage at the semi-biannual peaceville Try-math-a-lon! Live, right here on the summation station, the home of televised math! Solve for x-citement!". So said the advertisement on the band laptop in the garage, that was suddenly turned off by Corey, who was chillaxing on a office chair with wheels.

"Guess who just booked us a gig rocking in the Try-math-a-lon?". Corey asked, casually using his leg to push his chair over to the stage, where the band and manager were with their instruments and phone.

"Just tell us! This game always takes forever!". Kon cried.

"We're playing a math competition? Awesome!". Kin exclaimed, the only person looking forward to nerd fest.

"I was gonna say nerdsville". Laney said with a raised eyebrow.

"Population; eggheads". Roxana added, gaining a smirk from the bassist.

"Nice". She muttered, giving the brunette a fist-bump.

"It's live tv guys!". Corey exclaimed, getting up from the chair. "We'll reach every nerd in town, a totally untapped fan base! Grojband equals "MATH ROCK" and when smart people like us, everyone else will like us so that they look smart too".

"Hmm, manipulation hun? I like it!". Roxana commented.

"I don't know, corey, I'm not so good at math". Kon exclaimed, a worried look visible on his face.

"No one's good at math, kon". Roxana scoffed, casually waving off her wrist at the drummer, before shrugging. "It's the circle of life, fact!".

"Well yeah, but I've been failing it for like.  .  . How many hands is six fingers?". The youngest kujira sibling asked, holding out his hands to count his fingers.

"Hah, You know all the math you need to, buddy!". Corey exclaimed, doing a finger gun at kon, as he got on stage and grabbed his guitar.

"Corey's right, kon". Roxana agreed, before jumping off  the stage. "You guys should start practicing, while I go and arrange for your math-themed outfits, or hats. Yeah I'm gonna go with hats".

"Have fun, rox". Corey said, before turning his attention back to kon. "You can still count us in, right kon?".

"1,2,3,4!". Kin shouted, tapping his drumsticks together, as the band began to play.

Roxana smiled at this, delighted of getting to see this special moment of the band and wished that nothing would ruined this, before she got out her phone to dial a number and got out of the garage to make a phone call.

 (totally unaware of the older riffin sibling's planning against their gig).


The band,except roxana, are now at the peaceville's elementary school's  auditorium where the Try-math-a-lon was going to take place, as they talked to mayor mellow, who gave them some very disappointing news.

"What do you mean we can't play?". Corey asked.

"Word has it, your drummer a math failiur". Mayor mellow replied, pointing a finger at kon. "Can't have him on stage when we're giving it up to numbers".  Mellow jumped off the stage and ran off, as he gave Trina a high five on the way out.

"Guess whose sister totally snitched you out? Hashtag. . . Sabotage!". Trina said, doing a (#) in the air.

"You told mayor mellow about kon?". Corey asked his wicked sister.

"There isn't room in this thing for you plus me, so I minused you ". Trina exclaimed, surprising Corey as he rushed over to her side.

"Wait, why are you going to the Try-math-a-lon?". He asked, pointing a suspicious finger at the older girl.

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now