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In the riffin garage, laney, roxana, kin and kon are seated on the blue couch, watching Corey play his guitar on stage.

"Thank you peaceville!". The blunette said, as the others had their arms crossed and board looks.

"Meh. Pretty standard". Kin commented.

"It's okay I guess". Roxana said, shrugging. Her eyes not leaving her comic book she was reading.

"But it's polite, it's nice to thank people". Laney added, not wanting to hurt her crush feelings.

"I'd thank anyone who could open this impossible hard to open snack food packaging!". Said kon, who gritted his teeth as he struggled to open a pack of red chips.

"Maybe try striking a pose and do a pick flick". Roxana suggested, looking up from her comic to face the frontman, who shrugged.

"Alright. Thank you peaceville!". Corey yelled, doing a pose by squatting his legs before flicking his guitar pick, making it to bounce around the room, as the band and manager eyes followed it. The pick suddenly headed their way, to which they didn't hesitate to jump of the couch just in time as it sliced kon's chip pack in half before falling to the ground.

"Now that was amazing!". Laney commented in awe.

"Amazing?!". Roxana questioned. "That was reckless and destructive! . . . And I love it!".

Kin hummed in delight as her eat his now opened chip pack and looked at the beanie wearing boy on stage. "Thank you corey".

"If you really wanna be original, why don't you rip off the typical? No one was more original than them". Kin exclaimed, standing on top of the blue couch as he held out a old record from the couch and showed it to the others.

"We're not really being original if we're ripping off another band's music, ya know?". Roxana pointed out, which earned her a glare from the pianist.

"I don't question you when you state your ideas, roxana". He hissed, to which roxana narrowed her eyes at him.

"Well excuse me for not wanting history to repeat itself by allowing another band to try and rip off our latest album in the next generation!".

"These guys were really underground. They did the opposite of what was popular, that's what made them popular!". Kon added to his brother's explanation, also wanting to stop whatever tension that was about to start between the two friends.

Corey hummed and tappes his finger on his chin to think. "Underground band's eh? That's it!". Corey exclaimed, getting an idea as he removed his guitar strap and placed his guitar aside before he got off the stage. "We'll be the most underground band ever by playing in the sewers!".

The blunette pointed to a manhole that was randomly on the ground, but for some reason wasn't a surprise to the anyone, before Trina and mina suddenly stormed into the garage.

"The sewers? Perfect! For sewage-band cause you stink. BAM!". Trina exclaimed, poking Corey's chest.

"Bam indeed". Mina agreed, as roxana walked up next to Corey with a smile on her face.

"Thanks Trina, at least we know we smell better than your personality". Roxana smirked and crossed her arms as the twins "oooh'd" like mordecai and rigby, while the bassist and guitarist tried to hold back their laughter. Even mina covered her mouth and giggled silently but stopped when she saw her boss glaring and growling at her.

"You and your little come backs". The older riffin sibling hissed at the smirking young Mallory.

"Okay!". Corey started, after maintaining  his laughter, then crossed his arms and smirked at his older sister. "Anyway, our gig's gonna be the gig of the century".

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now