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Roxana mallory is sitted criss-cross on the couch in the huge living of her house, as she reads a comic book. "And just when the hedgehogs thought the evil doctor was gone-".

'Knock knock knock'

Roxana was interrupted by the loud knocking of the front door.


"Dammit". Roxana cursed under her breath, as she closed her book and gave the cover a look. "Until we meet again, mi peludo amigo azul".

Corey and laney stood patiently outside the front door, as roxana shouted a "BE RIGHT THERE!". Suddenly it was like random sound effects where heard coming from inside the house, which surprised the two friends a bit.

"Is she okay?". Laney asked, her brow raised as she shared a look with The blunette, who shrugged, before they turned back to the front door. After what felt like 10 seconds, the front door opened up to reveal roxana adjusting her headband.

"Sorry it took so long, you Wouldn't believe how long it takes to find your Friday headband". Roxana exclaimed, waving off her wrist at her friends.

"You have a headband for everyday?". Corey asked, his brow raised.

"And you have a beanie for every month".


"Alright guys, let's stay on track, we've got a garage to be at". Laney exclaimed.

"Right!". Corey and roxana said in unsion, as they nodded their heads, before they all began their walk to the riffin garage.

"So, kin and kon are at the garage?". Roxana asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Yep". Laney replied. "Probably doing something crazy as always".

"C'mon red, have a little faith in them for once, I'm sure they're not doing anything that berserk this time".

"You wanna bet?". Corey asked, a daring look on his face.

"You're on". Roxana accepted, returning the look. "The usual?".


"Okay, I'm getting in on this. Team Corey for life". Laney exclaimed.

"Ha ha, yeah!". Corey and laney high-fived.

Roxana chukled. "I can't wait to see the look on your faces when you find out that I was-HUN?!". Roxana stopped when she saw smoke coming out from a kin size hole on the garage door in Corey's place, before she, Corey and laney rushed over to get a better look at it.

"Woah, somebody's making science". Corey exclaimed.

"We just had a little setback". Said the voice of the older kujira twin, as the three friends turn to the side to find kin shoved through a tree, thankfully he was wearing a helmet and had a suspicious random stunt duck on it ,and kon standing in front of him.

"It's a crash, dude! Don't dress up". Kin said, patting his brother's head, as laney, roxana and Corey walked over. Corey and laney then smirked as they turn to roxana, who growled a bit, before bringing out ten dollars from her pocket and handed five dollars each to the guitarist and bassist. She then turned to kin and glared.

"Kin, I hate to say this, actually no I don't, what you're doing is stupid and it's left me no choice but to cut your fundings". Roxana said, crossing her arms, as laney nodded in agreement while putting her five bucks in her pocket and crossed her arms.

"Same here, it just isn't working". Laney said, as the random stunt duck quacks and flew away. (Probably to ruined some other poor victim's day).

"Fine! I'll fund for myself and I'll go INDIE!". Kin exclaimed, grinning as he managed to free his arm to give his bro a bro high-five.

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now