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In the riffin garage, laney, kin and kon are watched a commercial on the band computer about salad barney(this time with a piece of salad on his head) advertising his new salad barn.

"Hay kin". Kin called his brother, dragging his name in a sing song way.

"Yes kon?". Kin answered, a grin on his face.

"Know who's gonna be at that new opening?". Kin asked, poking his brother's nose.

"Why yes I do. . . NOT US! cause it's-". Kin and kon run off to somewhere and came back wearing cheese costumes.

"CHEESE FEST!". They yelled in unsion and in excitement, before the garage door was opened up to reveal Corey and roxana.

"Hola cheese heads". Roxana greeted in excitement.

"Put your cults away cause we're playing the grand opening of salad barney's tomorrow night ". Corey exclaimed, as roxana excitedly nodded her head.

"What could be better than that?". Roxana asked, making kin to rush over to them.

"Cheese?!". He asked, before he was stomped over by his excited brother, who got in the frontman and manager's faces, much to their surprise.

"Cheesy cheese cheese?". Kin asked, also in excitement.

"Um, cooking up a tasty new tune with a side order of lyrics?". Laney suggested, as Corey rushed over to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, doing a finger gun at her.

"If by that, you mean grojband's going VEGAN! ". Corey exclaimed, jumping in the air, while the background showed spinning vegetable, before he got back down, smirked and had his hands on his sides. "Then yes".

"Uh, actually I-". Laney started, bit was cut off by Corey.

"Vegans band aren't getting the street cred that they deserve and grojband's gonna change some if not all of that!".

Laney rolled her eyes at this before looking at roxana. "Roxy, how can you agree to this when you know very well that this won't last?".

"Oh, I know it won't last, rojo, but a gig's a gig". Roxana exclaimed, shrugging as she walked over to them with her hands in her pockets, before smirking at the blunette. "Plus this guy promised me a taco if I agreed with the whole thing, and I really wanna see how things turn out in the end".

A door was suddenly kicked open by Trina, who was holding a flower pot with a little plant in it, as she and mina stormed into the garage. "Back to the really topic, street cred? More like street crud! BAM!".

"Bam indeed ". Mina said, agreeing with her BFF.

"Have I ever told you how much I love your comments, Trina? They sound like street crud". Roxana said, fist-bumping the smirking bassist and guitarist, while the twins mordacaied and Rigbyed.

"I never asked for your little comeback, roxana". Trina hissed, spitting said girl's name like venom, while roxana continued to smirked.

"I know".

Trina growled at the younger girl, before walking over to the fridge in the garage. "Like whatever. Anyway, listen up, fromageband". Trina started, opening the fridge and shoves her plant inside, then closes the fridge. "I'm leaving my science project in the garage cuz it's like you; gross and junk. If you worms touch my plant thing and it's  not like totally bendable for a major A super plus. YOU'RE ALL MULCH!". Trina yelled into Corey, laney and Roxana's face, blowing their hair back. "Got it?!". Trina walks away, as laney and roxana hissed at her.

"Um, i suggest you get it". Mina cacually said, walking away with Trina.

"Oh I'll get it alright". Roxana said, rolling up her sleeves as she was about to match over to the pinkette and make a piece of work out of her, but was held back by Corey holding her back by the shoulders.

Grojband The Mallory Girl(Corey x Oc) (DISCONNECTED)Where stories live. Discover now