Chapter 1

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A/N: I figured I'd balance the scales a bit. I've already got Izuku as a villain so why not write him up as a hero. So I got this idea awhile back when it was revealed that Deku would get six new quirks from the previous holders of One For All. What if the previous holders were other Anime/Manga heroes? I picked out some of the top heroes from anime and manga as the six candidates, so let's see how Deku handles these awesome powers.

The world isn't fair I learned that at the ripe old age of four years old. "Sorry kid it's not happening, you don't have a quirk." Such a callous way of dashing a child's dream thought young Izuku Midoriya as he sat at the computer table playing the old video of All Might's debut, that great smile of his lighting up such a dark time in the world's history. Izuku wanted nothing more than to be like him, there had to be a way right? Izuku turned to his mother standing in the doorway. "I can still be a hero right mom?" He asked his mother Inko who stepped forward into the light of the computer screen unshed tears in her eyes before she spoke as she kneeled in front of her.

"Yes Izuku, yes you can, but you'll have to work hard, harder than everyone else. Can you do that Izuku?" Inko asked her green eyes staring into her son's. Izuku didn't hesitate shaking his head violently.

"Yes mom I'll work hard, so hard!" Izuku said looking into his mom's eyes with renewed vigor and hope. Inko nodded as she wiped Izuku's face of tears before doing the same to her own and standing up.

"Come with me Izuku we're going to visit an old friend of mommy's." Inko said as she grabbed hold of Izuku's hand and led him out of the house and after a cab and train ride they arrived at a small home dojo. Inko walked up to the front door and gave several knocks. They waited a few moments before the door opened and a man in his forties stepped forward. He wore a maroon Gi with what looked like a turtle symbol on the left part of the chest. He had black hair and amber eyes, and boasted quite the physique. He carried a cane with him topped with a roughhewn Jade stone. Izuku cocked his head looking at this man and then at his mother.

"Ah Midoriya-san it is good to see you after so long. How have you been?" The man asked Inko who waved her hand.

"Yoshi I told you to stop calling me that Inko is fine. I'm sorry to trouble you, but I was hoping I could ask a favor of you?" Inko asked as Yoshi smiled waving parent and child into his home.

"As you wish Inko, now what can I do for you and your son I presume?" He asked looking at Izuku who held tightly to his mother's pant leg as they followed Yoshi into a living area and was promptly served tea.

"Yes this is my son Izuku he's four years old, and wants to be a hero when he grows up. Isn't that right Izuku?" Inko said prompting her son to speak.

"Y-yes sir I want to be like All Might." He said trying to smile bravely as Yoshi smiled back.

"That is a fine dream young man I'll be rooting for you, and what quirk do you have if I may ask?" Yoshi said watching as sadness filled the boy's eyes.

"I-I don't have a quirk, but I-I still want to be a hero!" Izuku said defiantly. Yoshi leaned back looking over at Inko getting a sense of what his old friend wanted.

"I-we were hoping you could help with that Yoshi after all you're quirkless yourself, but that never stopped you from doing what was right." Inko said staring into Yoshi's eyes before bowing before him. "Hamato Yoshi please help my son achieve his dream." Izuku looked at his mom before mirroring her gesture.

"Please Mr. Yoshi I don't want to give up, I promise I'll work hard, I won't quit!" Yoshi looked between both greenettes and sighed.

"Izuku this will be hard work, it'll be painful and you will get hurt. I'm not a gentle teacher." Yoshi said standing up as Izuku raised his head. "If we do this, there's no going back, this will take all you have and more. Do you understand?"

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