Chapter 22: Final Exam Finish

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Chapter 22: Final Exam Finish


Izuku and Katsuki stepped into the training ground. It was another cityscape and they had entered on the main street and at the other end they could see the exit gate, but right in front of it was All Might. He stood proudly his fists on his hips and a wide smile on his face his blue eyes sparking at them. "Come heroes and don't hold back!" To drive his point home All Might slammed his first forward causing a burst of wind to rocket down the street shattering the windows as it rocketed towards the two heroes in training.

Bakugou seeing the incoming attack drove his foot forward bracing himself as he looked at Izuku and watched as Izuku cocked his fist back and then drove it forward wind shooting to collide with All Might's wind the two pressures collided and shot upwards punching a hole in a passing cloud. All Might stood up fully his smile unshaken. He's already able to counter with air pressure his training really did pay off. All Might thought before deciding to engage the two. All Might launched himself forward at Izuku and Katsuki.

Katsuki looked at Midoriya and grit his teeth. "You're not going to show me up Izuku!" Katsuki shouted as he exploded into the air towards All Might. Izuku summoned his Full Cowl green lighting arcing around his body as he jumped into action as well dashing down the main street to meet All Might. Izuku went for a roundhouse kick towards All Might as the hero leapt over the intended blow with ease green lighting arced around the two as All Might sailed upward to meet Katsuki who answered with an explosion, but All Might was prepared for this as he launched another air pressure punch forcing Katsuki's explosion back into his face and driving All Might towards the ground in order to deliver a kick to Izuku who dodged the blow by back flipping away as All Might slammed into the pavement sending out deep cracks that traveled across the street and up some of the buildings.

Izuku dropped to his feet and dashed forward in an instant to connect with a full powered punch, but as the blow connected he saw his fist squarely in All Might's hand. "You'll have to do better than that hero!" All Might shouted as he spun with Izuku just in time to slam him into Katsuki batting the blonde boy away tumbling down the street before hurling Izuku in the opposite direction watching him slam into a wall. Izuku coughed harshly the wind being driven from his lungs at the blow.

"I-I can't even land a blow All Might really is amazing!" Izuku thought to himself as he opened his eyes to see a portion of railing at him. His eyes bucked as he went to dodge, but the railing pinned him as its torn portions embedded in the wall trapping him there.

"Now then that should hold you for a moment." All Might said turning and shooting his hand out to grab hold of Bakugou's face, but to the pro's surprise Bakugou unleashed a barrage of explosions. Most people would recoil at having their faces grabbed, but not you Young Bakugou. You're dogged determination is admirable, but even so. All Might released Bakugou to float in the air for a moment before launching a punch at the boy.

Izuku from where he sat pinned against the wall saw everything happening in slow motion. Come on move! He shouted to himself grabbing hold of the railing and pulled feeling the metal twist and bend before snapping apart allowing Izuku to move with lightning speed arcing down the street and leaping above All Might and slamming his foot down on the Pro's arm driving him to the ground before spinning and catching All Might with a kick to the chest using the Pro to launch himself away grabbing hold of Bakugou as the gained some distance.

All Might coughed as he rubbed his chest. That was a pretty good hit young Midoriya. All Might thought to himself catching some of his lost breath as he stood up. Izuku landed with Katsuki before dropping the latter on the ground. The blonde shot up glaring at Izuku. "What'd the fuck you do that for you bastard I didn't ask for your help!" Bakugou shouted as Izuku looked at him.

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