Chapter 16: The Internship Pt1

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Chapter 16: The Internship Pt1

A/N: Alright folks time for the internship. You all seem pretty excited about this so I hope I do this justice.
MasterBlade47: I won't be doing the Two Heroes arc, but there will be an Easter egg giving a nod to it. Now let's begin

Izuku and All Might were being ushered through a secret exit, so as not to be bombarded by a crowd of All Might fans. They stepped out into the island proper seeing crowds of people walking around. "Wow this is I-island." Izuku said looking around at all the people and several well-known heroes. Izuku wore a blue t-shirt with a red A and a white M on the front with blue jean pants and his red shoes. He carried with him a large duffel bag over his shoulder. He saw a guy who was skating, but rather than have wheels on his feet it seemed like he was suspended several inches above the ground, a woman was walking along before seeming to receive a call and amazingly slid her sleeve back to show a call screen on her forearm. Her whole arm was one of the most realistic prosthetics Izuku had ever seen.

"Indeed Young Midoriya a manmade island created so inventors and scientists could push the bounds of what's possible without endangering the world at large." All Might explained as he looked around and spotted a car with a man in front holding up a sign with Izuku's name on it. All Might thought it best that they go under Izuku's name otherwise there would have been a crowd around the car waiting for him to show up. All Might wore a grey t-shirt with green cargo pants and black boots. He carried with him a small overnight bag dwarfed in his giant fist. "Let's hurry Young Midoriya I'm kind of hard to miss so the sooner we get in the car the better." All Might said as both he and Izuku made their way to the car as quickly as possible before anyone took notice.

Once inside the hero and his protégé sat down looking at the driver of the car. "Hello All Might Sir my name is Samuel Abraham I am Dr. Shield's assistant. It's a pleasure to meet you sir." Sam said cheerfully. Sam was an older gentleman with blond hair dressed in a business suit.

"Thank you for picking us up Samuel we really appreciate it." All Might said as Sam smiled.

"Not a problem sir. When David told me that you were the one I was picking up I was overjoyed to do so. I'm taking you to David right now. He's at his lab, but I'm sure you could have guessed that already." Sam said as they pulled into the parking lot of said lab. All Might and Izuku followed Sam into the multilevel building where they boarded an elevator and began riding to the top of the laboratory and coming out into a small lab and there at the computer sat David Shield. The man had brown hair and glasses with a goatee. He wore a lab coat but underneath was a dark blue shirt, grey jeans, and blue sneakers. He stood up with a smile as he greeted All Might with a hug and patting his back as All Might reciprocated.

"Dave it's been too long old friend how are you?" All Might asked patting the man on the back.

"It's so good to see you Toshi, I've been well." David said stepping back before locking eyes with Midoriya. "And you're Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you." David said offering his hand to Izuku who shook it happily.

"Yes I am and it is an honor to meet you Mr. Shield. Thank you so much for this opportunity, being able to work with the man who created all of All Might's equipment and suits is so amazing." Izuku said bowing to the man. David chuckled.

"I should be thanking you Izuku. I've been watching your time during the Sports Festival over and over again thinking of how I could help you. You are quite the interesting young man and to a scientist that's worth its weight in gold." As David said this, the elevator dinged and out came a blonde woman with sea blue eyes wearing a white short sleeved dress shirt a plaid bow in her long hair and gray Capri pants and brown boots. As she exited the elevator she looked at All Might and leaped towards him.

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