Chapter 26: The Tails of Izuku Midoriya

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Chapter 26: The Tails of Izuku Midoriya

A/N: The second vestige has risen like the sun. What power does this new cowl hold for our hero?

During Izuku's Internship.

Izuku was lying flat on his front his cheek pushed against the floor of the gravity chamber. He placed his hands against the ground as he began pushing up green lightning arcing from his body as he did so, but even then he was only able to get to his hands and knees. "75Gs is really something." He groaned as he looked at his arms straining under his own weight. He could see the sweat on his arms bubbling from his skin, but strangely it wasn't rushing down his arms being forced to the floor. "I must be hallucinating." He thought to himself as he was pushed back to the floor his vision swimming. Sure he could turn off the gravity with a simple vocal command, but he refused to do so.

It wasn't the fact that even attempting to speak took a herculean effort, but Izuku saw that giving that command would be quitting and he couldn't do that, no he had too much riding on this. He only had a few more days to use this chamber if he couldn't get to 100Gs by then who knows when he'd have another chance. Izuku's vision steadily started to darken as he shouted to himself. Get up, get up, GET UP!

Suddenly Izuku was in a familiar place the black landscape that he'd met the past users of One for All. He looked around in the darkness as a brilliant yellow light lit the space blazing quickly through the darkness. A man walked towards him his every step bringing light with it until finally the man stood before him. He had short cut blonde hair with a pair of fox ears sticking out from it. His eyes were sky blue and seemed to emit joy. His face was adorned with three horizontal lines one above the other on either cheek which crinkled in a smile. From behind the man wafted nine equally blond tails as he stood in a long sleeve orange shirt and black pants with sandals.

"You really are a hard worker Izuku I'm impressed you got here so fast, and a gravity chamber the modern world is crazy!" The man said smiling as he rubbed his nose with a bandaged right hand. Izuku recognized this voice.

"You're the man from back at the Sports Festival and the one I talked to last time." The man nodded as he stood tall.

"Yep I am the sixth user of One for All Naruto Uzumaki, though most people knew me by my hero name; Kyuubi no Kitsune." Naruto said looking proud of the name. "I didn't think I'd meet you so soon, but I hoped for it, and now it's here. Your body is ready to receive my quirk." Naruto said as Izuku looked at him.

"I have so many questions, but you probably don't have a lot of time. Luffy was only with me for a minute or two I think, a lot was going on." Naruto nodded as he looked Izuku over.

"Well you're right I won't be like this for long, but I will be here longer than Luffy. Back then your body wasn't ready to receive Luffy's power so it was a rush job which is why it was so hard for you to control his power without him in your head to walk you through it. I was supposed to be the first aspect you met." Naruto said seemingly pouting at the mishap. "You see with the training you received it would have been easier for you to use my power." Naruto explained as Izuku cocked his head.

"You mean...?" He was about to ask before Naruto cut him off.

"That's right I was trained as a ninja too!" The man shouted pressing his thumb to his chest. "Back in my day, wow can't believe I said that, but anyway when I was a hero it wasn't as "legal" as it is now it required stealth to do what we did and I was trained for that at a young age, so the others and I thought I'd be the perfect starter for you, but Luffy did what he does best, whatever he wants." Naruto said with a shrug.

"I see so what is your quirk?" Izuku asked as Naruto held up his bandaged hand and slowly a blue sphere came to life growing until it was the size of a baseball.

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