Chapter 27: Symbols

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Chapter 27: Symbols

A/N: I intended to put an explanation of Naruto's quirk at the end of the previous chapter, but I was rushing to get it out on Wednesday what with my work schedule flopping around like a dying fish, so here it is now. I decided to make Naruto's main quirk the Rasengan since it's his trademark it functions pretty much the way it would in Naruto a spiraling sphere of energy ready to tear into people, but I wanted to include the nine tails aspect as well so I gave Naruto a mutation like Tokoyami or Koda who's physical appearances have nothing to do with their quirks thus the nine tails and fox ears. Now the way I plan for One for All to boost Naruto's quirk. Izuku will be able to perform the alternate forms of Naruto's Rasengan (Giant Rasengan, Rasenshuriken, Planetary Rasengan, etc) whereas the Naruto vestige in this world could only at best perform the Rasengan barrage or giant Rasengan.
Hardwin Potter: Hope my explanation clears things up.
Exodus12345: I don't plan to add Toga to the harem so no worries there as for someone older well maybe with what I have planned I think I could spin that.
Whitetiger789: That is something that's been on my mind and I'm up in the air about it.

Aizawa looked on as the police escorted the captured villains into custody and shook his head. "All our planning amounted to a hill of beans." He said pinching the bridge of his nose as he heard footsteps behind him and looked at Vlad.

"Well you're not wrong, but it could have ended a lot worse we should count our blessings I suppose." Vlad said rubbing the back of his neck before dropping the other shoe. "Principal Nezu wants you and I back at UA once the children are squared away. We're needed for the press conference." Vlad explained as Aizawa sighed. There would be no talking his way out of this one.

"Fine I'll get my suit. I hate dealing with the press!" He growled looking away and catching sight of Midoriya and standing in front of him were the Pussycats. Izuku had helped out a lot of people tonight the Pussycats especially. Aizawa thought to himself as he looked on.

"Thank you so much Midoriya Kota is safe because of you." Mandalay said hugging the boy fiercely before letting go. "I don't know how to repay you." She said smiling but took notice of the boy's forlorn look knowing his mind must still be on his missing friend.

"Yeah you saved my life back there I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come in and saved me!" Pixibob shouted gleefully hugging the boy to her breasts and kissing his cheek before letting go and petting his head before turning away. "If only you were a few years older." She whispered as Tiger approached clapping his paws on the boy's shoulders.

"The debt we owe you can never be repaid Midoriya. Not only did you save Pixiebob, and protect Kota you also saved Ragdoll from whatever plans that monster had for her. These girls and Kota are like family to me, and I owe you a lot for saving them. If you ever need anything from us the Pussycats won't hesitate to help! You have my word!" Tiger shouted pounding his chest as Izuku looked up from the ground.

"I couldn't save Katsuki though. He was right there my hand was seconds away from grabbing him. If only my cowl hadn't given out! If only I was faster if only-!" Tiger punched Izuku in the chest.

"Stop that right now! Every hero's been where you are right now Izuku and no amount of second guessing is going to change anything. The past is past all you can do is change for the future, and believe me we will save your friend no matter what!" Tiger said as Izuku rubbed his chest looking at the hero and nodded.

"Thanks Tiger." He said as the trio of heroes walked away to accompany their teammate to the hospital. As Izuku watched them walk away Ochaco, Tsu, Mina, Toru, and Jiro looked on at the green haired boy.

"I don't think we should tell Deku Momo was hurt he's really beating himself up about Bakugou." Ochaco said as the other four girls nodded.

"Yeah at least not right now, Momo will understand if we wait a while." Jiro said as they watched Kirishima walk up to Izuku.

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