Chapter 18: What is a Hero

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Chapter 18: What is a Hero

A/N: Izuku's making good progress in his internship, so now we'll take a look into the shadows and see what's going on in the dark.

A man stood upon a water tower overlooking the sprawling city of Hosu. This was his hunting grounds for the time being. The man in question dressed in a vlowing red scarf and a cloth mask across his face was known as the Hero Killer Stain. His body was covered in a multitude of blades from several knives to the sword on his back. His crimson eyes scoured the city looking for the next hero he would purge. Hero that's what they called themselves, but they didn't deserve it. Only one man was worthy of that title everyone else was nothing. Stain drew his sword slicing through the air, but it didn't make contact. He cast his eye to the left seeing a man shaped vortex standing there.

"Calm yourself Hero Killer, my name is Kurogiri and I would like to offer you an invitation on behalf of the League of Villains."

Stain withdrew his sword as he looked at Kurogiri. "Very well then, lead on." Stain said as Kurogiri enveloped him in his mist depositing Stain in the middle of a bar. There was only one other person there, a young man with a hand on his face serving as a mask. Looking around the bar he noticed a destroyed poster of All Might.

"Welcome Hero Killer, I am Tomura Shigaraki Leader of the League of Villains." Tomura stated as recognition dawned in Stain's eyes.

"So you're the ones who attacked UA and were defeated." Stain stated to Tomura's irritation. Seeing the rising tension Kurogiri stepped in before Tomura said something that could ruin things.

"Yes we suffered a setback then and many of our soldiers were taken into custody, but with you on our side we know more will gather." Kurogiri explained as Stain cast an eye to him.

"I see now, you want me to help put the pieces of your shattered league back together." Stain said before looking at Tomura. "As the leader of this league tell me, what is your purpose? What drives you?" Stain asked as Shigaraki shrugged.

"I just want to destroy anything that pisses me off. All Might, and little shits like this especially." Shigaraki said holding up a picture of a green haired boy in an UA gym uniform; Izuku Midoriya." Stain looked at the picture recognizing the person there. They'd only met once and it was very brief, but the green haired boy who'd stood up to stop him from purging those vile criminals had stayed in his thoughts.

"What do you know of that boy?" Stain asked stepping forward as Shigaraki scoffed.

"I know he's the reason our plan failed at USJ, so he has to die!" Stain placed his hands on his knives as he glared at Shigaraki.

"I was a fool to think you had a worthy cause, you're one of the people I hate the most in this world. You kill because something irritates you? That's the logic of a child the only reason to take a life is in pursuit of a worthy cause!" Stain shouted as Kurogiri looked on. This was their master's will after all Shigaraki was a barely sprouted plant with no interest in long term plans only wanton destruction, but the Hero Killer he had purpose and hopefully having him around would push Shigaraki in the right direction, but it looked like things would not go as planned.

"Master should I step in?" Kurogiri asked to the screen in the back of the bar from the speakers a voice spoke.

"Let it happen. This might be the only way he will come to learn and grow. He needs to think about his actions going forward and how they affect his future." The voice said simply as Kurogiri turned from the screen feeling a slice across his arm as the Hero Killer dragged his knife through his flesh and licked the blade supporting himself on the bartop one handed. Immediately Kurogiri felt his body lock up. He couldn't move or even activate his Warp Gate. Stain turned stepping onto Tomura's rightt arm and stabbing into his left shoulder as the two fell to the floor of the bar with Stain's knife in his shoulder and the other dangerously close to his neck.

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