Chapter 34: One's Own Growth

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Chapter 34: One's Own Growth

A/N: The Provisional License Exam has begun and our fashionably late Izuku is the center of attention.

Days before the Provisional License Exam.
Endeavor stood in front of the Public Safety Commission board as they all looked at a copy of Izuku Midoriya's transcript. "Endeavor are you seriously endorsing this boy for the Provisional License Exam?" The lead board member asked as Endeavor crossed his arms.

"I am, is there a problem with that?" Endeavor asked as the other board members looked at him.

"He's not a student for one, he was expelled from UA, the only reason he isn't black listed from the hero community is because of Principal Nezu's generosity. I believe it's better to wait until he's reenrolled and then he may take the exams." Endeavor slammed his hands down on the table.

"We don't have that kind of time. That boy defeated the biggest threat to this country. He saved the lives of dozens of people, what more do you want from him? He is the one that will push this generation of heroes higher than even All Might. As the number one hero I stand behind Izuku Midoriya!" Endeavor shouted as the committee looked at him before the lead board member coughed grabbing his stamp.

"Very well Endeavor we will allow Izuku Midoriya to participate in the exams. Whether he passes or not is up to him." The man said as he stamped Izuku's document.

"You idiot what were you doing out here?!" Shouted Bakugou as he yelled in Izuku's face. "Are you blind could you not see that fucking building over there!?" Izuku coughed taking a step back from Katsuki.

"Sorry Katsuki I didn't know if that was just a part of the scenery or something else, so I just kind of waited to see what would happen. I never expected the whole building to split open like that." He said a little shocked as the rest of class A gathered around Izuku.

"Dude what an entrance, it had me rolling!" Kaminari shouted still chuckling a little.

"It's good to see you Midoriya it seems like it's been forever since we've seen each other." Kirishima said.

"Everyone, as happy as we all are to see Izuku I would ask you to come back so we can hear about the first exam please!" Instructed Iida who at the same time was fiercely shaking Izuku's hand.

"You seem happier than anyone else Iida." Tsu said before the class walked back to Proctor Yokumira who yawned before speaking again.

"Yes Izuku Midoriya glad to have you." At the mention of his name a ripple ran through the crowd as all eyes centered on Izuku.

"That's the kid who was expelled from UA. What's he doing here?"

"I heard he totally trashed the villain that killed All Might. Is it even safe for him to be here?"

"He saved that mall last month I thought he already had his license."

Katsuki grit his teeth at all the muttering he heard as Izuku did his best to ignore it. "Now in the first exam each of you will place a target on an exposed part of your body so no placing them under your arm or on the soles of your shoes. After which you will be given six balls. The object of the exam is to eliminate two other examinees by lighting up all three of their targets. The person who lights up someone's final target will be credited with their elimination. The first hundred to do this will pass everyone else, well good luck next year. So line up to get your targets and balls the exam will begin when the last set of targets and balls has been handed out."

Everyone lined up to take their equipment as they waited Izuku was bombarded with questions from his classmates. "So you're a bigshot now aren't ya, I bet your getting invites to work closely with all the female heroes you bastard!" Mineta screeched as Izuku waved his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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