Part 1, I feel like they're hiding something but I have no way out

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Alan woke up in the middle of a room he had never seen before. He basically didn't remember if he had seen any rooms before or if it was part of the data uploaded to him. He slowly examined his surroundings, and later his own body, in an attempt to remember at least something. All his memories were hazy, torn in places as if in a fog. Somehow, it seemed like he felt exactly like that for the first time in a long time. There was nothing in his past like what is happening now.

-Everything works, he's normal -a female voice said in broken English from somewhere behind him -the rest can be turned on.

A short black-haired Asian girl in a red T-shirt and jeans looked straight into the bewildered Walker's eyes and slowly sipped a branded coffee.

- How are you, poor soul, how do you feel? Has your vision been adjusted? - she asked with the same cold indifference.

- Who are you? Where I am? What's happening?

- Calm down, young man, don't worry. You are our property and you are where you are gonna work.

Alan was so surprised by this answer that he didn't know how to react. His train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the same indifferent voice.

- Don't be scared, now we'll turn on others and explain everything to y'all

- Others?

- Did you really think that you were the only handsome robo-guy here? We have two more, and they are no worse than you.

Only after this phrase, Olaf understood why he felt uncomfortable. His body was not human, but rather meant to be its parody. Roughly two meters tall, tactile sensors all over his body, two cameras mimicking the human eye, slightly scrambled. But the guy felt like he looked the same as before, as if he saw himself in this image. The stranger received some kind of message on her phone, encouraging Walker to follow her. They walked for a long time along some kind of corridor, and, oddly enough, the man walked with difficulty, barely raised his legs, as if specially weighted to the maximum. By the end he got used to it and was already able to reposition his legs fairly quickly. Their journey ended in a room that looked like a music studio. Now, when the girl stepped forward and stood next to a group of several people, the young man noticed that two more robots were standing next to him. A robo-girl stood to his left. Pieces of metal that were mimicking her dark green hair were tied into ponytails. This hairstyle was very funny and resembled Hatsune Miku's one. She even had the same red square hair ties. Her black jacket, white T-her shirt, and blue skirt were almost identically made of metal, and her legs were painted with blue shoes and black stockings. Alan had already seen her somewhere. No, he remembered her! He remembered her name!

- Jamie? Walker said quietly, looking at her confusedly. He didn't remember how he knew her, but he was very happy to meet someone he could at least recognize.

Jamie didn't answer, she just looked at him in amazement, she seemed to know him too, remember his name and his appearance, but didn't dare to speak out and stiffened. Suddenly a heavy hand fell on Olaf's shoulder and he turned around. Behind him stood a robot that looked exactly like him. There was also a hood on his head, but he had no face. His image was also familiar to our character, but it was too blurred in his artificial memory to remember his name.

- Alan, do you remember me? It's me, Kenneth - the voice came from somewhere in the darkness under the hood.

/Thoughts/ Kenneth.. Kenneth.. Something familiar, but I can't remember.. It's too far and blurry.

Their artificial bodies seemed to Walker to be very unnatural, silly, and assembled from some sort of garbage, that he should not look like that, but he could not understand why.

- So, dear wards.. - An Asian woman in a red T-shirt suddenly started a monologue - You are on the territory of our base. This is your creative studio and part-time habitat - she paused for a moment and stared at the guys - you are our property. Even while you are the AIs we made you are not legally human, which means we can do what we want with you and punish you as we see fit. The girl walked side to side, put her hands behind her back and no longer interrupted her speech for a second. Her bizarre gait made her look like a penguin awkwardly wading on an ice floe. - were made to play the music you have to write yourself. You two are some kind of DJs, loaded with all the information you need to operate programs and sounds. And you - The young lady stopped and looked at Jamie somehow intimidatingly. will sing. The vocaloid is sewn into you. By the way, it's programmed specifically for you, so it works very realistically. You can start working at any time. The monologue seemed to be over, but again a loud voice broke the silence of the room.

- Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce the staff, or at least the key members. Please call me Alex. It's hard to remember my real name. I'm your mechanic, I also participated in your design and creation." -said the girl narcissistically. The robots looked at each other confused.

- It's Jan.

- Jan Livey, please note – fixed her a Chinese man in his white shirt, adjusted his glasses.

Alex rolled her eyes to show everyone how annoyed she was with Livey's decency. Jan crackled his long fingers and an annoyed Alex continued.

- It's Ben, Ben Gonzalez. He's your producer - said the Asian, pointing to a tall European-style man. Gonzales appeared to be about 26-27 years old. He looked more like a pilot or a soldier than a music group producer. A patch with an eagle on his jacket betrayed an American in him.

- Well, that's all, - Alex said, not even making sure that the guys had no questions left - you can go to equip the studio, and I'll have lunch .. Having quickly said this, the girl disappeared into the darkness of the doorway leading to a corridor unknown to Walker. Thus began the career of a new group, the name of which had not yet been invented. 

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