Addendum 1, Do you trust me?

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Alex was sitting at a table in the communal kitchen, drinking her hot, strong coffee after freshly eaten instant noodles. Oddly enough, the completely unventilated kitchen was chilly this morning, even a little cold. Sitting in front of her, Niemi looked at her with some curiosity and disdain: the plastic noodle box was still on the table, waiting for Alex to carry it to the trash can. A weather forecast was broadcast on a nearby radio, and very soon a television was to appear in the place of this radio, which had been promised by the authorities a long time ago. Alex finished her coffee and cheerfully asked:

- So you're a newbie? Well, nice to meet you, I'm Alex.

- Karen - Niemi introduced herself with her new name.

- Hey, your parents gave you this name as a joke, didn't they.

Niemi looked at her with displeasure.

- I apologize..?

- Well, you know what girls are called that by the people .. oh, - only now Alex noticed the displeased face of her interlocutor and realized what she was saying, - that is, a very beautiful name, - Alex hesitated, - sorry.

- I don't mind that

- You still know absolutely nothing about the mechanisms with which you will work, right?

- Yes, that's right.

- Then you're lucky that you were sent to me, babe, - the mechanic smiled broadly, - although I'm not the main one here, I know much more than the others.

- Seriously? - Viivi looked at Alex with disbelief, - and why do you think so?

- Because I have created them, - the girl laughed.

- So they were created only on your initiative?

- No, of course, it was the order of the authorities. However, all the drawings are mine, and I also participated in their creation.

- Participated?

- Yes, I was not even allowed to some stages.

- And why's that?

- Well, how I know, boss overshoots are rarely understood by anyone. Only Ben walks around with such a face, as if he is filled with knowledge.

- Curious..

- True. Well.. - Alex stretched and yawned, not covering her mouth with her hand, - do you want to know what these two-meter tins are made of or not, after all?

- Well, I want to, of course.

So why are we sitting here then? Come on, let's go

The girls put the mugs in the sink and were about to leave, when Alex, laughing awkwardly, turned around and threw out the box

- Here, admire, drawings and operating instructions for each one.

- How much information...

- Yes, but that's not all.

- What do you mean?

- I know that the boss has documents in his office that contain much more than I have.

"But they are only your creations, aren't they?"

- That's not entirely true. The development was only based on my drawings, but I know very well that I did not rely on them for complex thought processes. My task was to create mobile and relatively cheap humanoid robots. I don't know what these programmers messed up there, but they think as independent individuals, this amazes me to some extent. However, no matter what they conjure over them, they cannot physically have feelings, and therefore they will remain soulless mechanisms.

There was a deafening silence. Viivi was the first to break it.

- And if I tell you that I was in the chief's office and read these documents, will you believe me?

- No, of course, they didn't even let me get to them, not like you, a beginner

- I didn't ask for anyone's permission.

- So you are a rebel, I see, - Alex laughed.

- Something like that.

- And what's so secret about it?

- You know, nothing special.. Just the features of the artificial intelligence device. I'm not a programmer, I don't understand this, - Viivi said and quietly added, - but he used to be a programmer..

- What?

- Nothing.

- Don't look at me, please, no, - Walker made whining sounds, hiding his face behind a large sheet of paper.

- I need to fix you, honey. Come on, calm down and show me exactly what the problem is

- No, no, no, I don't want to scare you, please, please.

- I promise that I will never, ever be afraid of you, got it? - Vivi replied with a smile.

- Do you promise? - Alan reasked.

- I promise, - the girl replied with a sigh.

The musician slowly lowered the sheet, behind which he hid the bare metal frame of his face. The girl involuntarily twitched in surprise.

- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

- Wh..what happened to you?

- I don't know, at some point all the plates from my face just spilled out into my hand and I put them on the table. That's that. I'm sorry.

/Thoughts/ Why is he always apologizing?

Viivi tried to attach the plates with an ordinary soldering iron, but realized that in this way she almost ruined all the microsensors. She went through all the archives, drawings and instructions, but absolutely nothing was said about such cases. She was already desperate and wanted to glue everything with ordinary superglue when Alex found her in a state of absolute apathy.

- Look, you shouldn't take on a job you can't handle.

- But.. how..

- Trust me with this job, okay?

Viivi did not want to agree at all, but she realized that in this situation she was absolutely powerless.

- That's it. Sit here. Soon he will be as good as new one.

Alex smiled and put her hand on Niemi's shoulder.

- Do you trust me?

The girl nodded

- Ok

- Karen, Karen! - Walker ran up to the girl and hugged her tightly, - thank you very much for helping me. You're the best!

- I'm sorry, but you don't need to thank me, - the girl was embarrassed, - all thanks to my colleague, - she pointed to Alex.

Girl, in turn, only looked sadly to the side when Walker approached her and hugged her even tighter than Viivi.

I am sincerely grateful to you, thank you, thank you and thank you again!

/thoughts of Alex/: Wow, he's behaving as sincerely as an ordinary person... Well done, our programmers though.

- You welcome.. wish you health

Vivi just looked at her with displeasure.

- Oh, hell..

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