Part 7, I killed a god

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This morning the sun shone brightly on the dilapidated walls of an abandoned power plant. Walker #22 sat on the roof of one of the buildings, his face exposed to the blinding light. A cool wind blew in from the Baltic Sea, preventing the sun from heating up the boy's dark clothes too much. He spent a lot of time in this memorable place in order to finally rescue his friend from some kind of concentration camp, he did it because he understood the consequences in case of inaction. Now the young man just wanted to relax and move away from the daily bustle, slowly closing his eyes and breathing a sigh of relief, he began his kind of meditation. The guy was absolutely calm, even though now he was in a very dangerous position. Cyber ​​soldiers could spot him at any moment and send him to the same place where he rescued his friend with such difficulty, but lately #22 began to notice that they showed up less and less, until they completely ceased to catch the eye of our adventurer. In the past few years, he and his comrades have undergone no small oddity in their lives. At some point, they realized that their world is limited, or rather, if you walk in one direction for a long time, you will only come to endless desert steppes that will not lead you anywhere, even if you walk a thousand kilometers. Their lives are frozen in place, as if there is nothing that could move them on. The plants did not grow, did not wilt and did not die, like they themselves, absolutely everything seemed to be put on pause. The sun did not set, staying motionless above the horizon, an eternal soft summer morning reigned in their world. And only the monsoon wind, which for some strange reason was not affected by the new orders established in nature, continued to blow from the sea, at least making life a little easier for everyone. None of the entire team had even the slightest idea of ​​what was happening. At first, everyone panicked, but then they discovered in themselves the ability to live without food and sleep, this was probably the only plus of such a strange phenomenon.

- I'm sorry, did I disturb you? - a voice sounded from #22's back.

- A little, - he answered slightly annoyed.

-I'd like to talk to you about what's been happening to all of us over the last four years, - Walker #28300 sat next to her comrade, looking thoughtfully at the views from the rooftop. Abandoned, but still beautiful, the buildings attracted the eye with their elegance. There was a feeling that these elegant roads, bridges, stairs and buildings were not built at all for their intended purpose, but simply so that one day they would stop functioning and now bathe in the sun's rays, aesthetically pleasing to the eye of absolutely every walker in this world. A solar storm wiped out almost the entire civilization from the face of the earth, and left the survivors without any technology. Only two groups of people knew that the apocalypse was coming and managed to survive: the Walkers - a group of people in black clothes that dates back to ancient times, and the Red Nexus - a corporation established in 2010, specializing in weapons production and genetic engineering. They literally stole walkers' ancient developments from the former, illegally conducting experiments on drones and other ancient artifacts. That way peacefully flying AVI-8 drones turned into ruthless killers RX-8. But in the aftermath, the walkers also upgraded their models, it just took them some time. After the storm, the numerical superiority of people and equipment was on the side of the Red Nexus, and therefore their fascist regime was established in the world, in which everyone caught was sent either to a concentration camp, or for experiments, or for cannon fodder. Although living and intelligent people remained in their ranks, they raised the bulk of their fighters in special capsules. Such an army is the most obedient and strong. At some point, they even managed to create a superhuman as a result of their experiments, and therefore absolutely none of their comrades would like to catch their eye. The only thing left at the disposal of the two warring parties is the drones, which they managed to protect from the disaster by putting them in special capsules. Much had to be recreated, but no one will be able to restore the destroyed, abandoned cities. In the same way, plants and factories, such as this power plant, were emptied and crumbled. Since it was located near the city that was once the capital, it was an extremely convenient place for the Red Nexus to set up a concentration camp and their base nearby. Walkers used to rarely come here, but after all the events in the life of #22, this dusty and gray place became like a home for him, instead of the one he lost.

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