Part 9, Final

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- So, open your eyes .. - a gentle female voice sounded behind the guy's back, - how do you feel in the renewed body?

As Walker's vision adjusted, he realized that he was in a completely different room.

- Baby? Where are we? - he asked timidly.

-We're where we're supposed to be, honey. We're home.

Alan inspected every corner of the room so iconic to himself, the table, chairs, piano. He remembered absolutely everything about this place, the history of every picture on the wall and every object. The guy slowly walked around the building and with each step his head was filled with memories, he was already wrapping the second circle when his eyes fell on the mirror. His body no longer consisted of pieces of metal connected to each other. He looked almost the same as before, he almost became a living person again, even his hair was real, he was dressed in ordinary clothes that he used to wear, growth became smaller, his mouth and nose were no longer covered by the iron likeness of a mask, his eyes looked even more alive, and his face could finally fully display all his emotions. Alan stood still, he kept looking at his new self, unable to tear himself away from the mirror, but after a while he turned his shocked gaze to a sweetly smiling girl who was standing nearby.

- Andrei was able to unlock and restore all your memories from a common base, and I designed and created a new body for you, similar to your old one. I hope now you can finally feel alive again. I also placed both buttons on your neck. Now you're free, honey.

Alan walked over to her and hugged her tightly. It was only now that he was able to fully comprehend all that Viivi had done for him. He was overwhelmed with joy and relief, he was finally free, finally he will be considered a man. The only thing he wanted at that moment was to cry loudly for the whole house. And suddenly, tears slowly rolled down from the Walker's eyes.

- And I also added one function that you yourself have already learned about, - the girl stretched her mouth in the widest and most sincere smile in her life, - they are even salty, just like real ones.

Walker hugged her as tightly as he could and burst into tears. Niemi, in turn, began to gently stroke his back with her hand in an attempt to calm him down a little. And now, already in the eyes of the girl herself, tears appeared. They were finally together again and nothing could separate them anymore. And then, a white dog flies into the room, bursting into barking. For such a long time, he had already weaned from his master and was frightened by his sudden appearance. The guy let go of his benefactress and sat down on the floor, leaning towards the animal. The dog for a long time could not realize what had happened, but after a while he whined and rushed to Alan's feet. The guy smiled and began to stroke a friend whom he had not seen for four years. Now he is home.

- Wait, what happened to the others? - sharply caught up with Alan's insight.

- Who exactly are you talking about? - Viivi clarified

- With Jamie and Kenneth. Did they come home too? Are they alright? Alan stood up and fixed his eyes on Viivi. The boy looked very excited despite the calm and satisfying environment. He seemed to really care about the current situation of his comrades.

- They also returned to their homes, to their families, but .. - the girl looked away and fell silent.

- But what? - A little calmed down, but still anxiously issued Walker.

- You see, it took a lot of effort, time and money to construct and recreate your new body. We barely raised this amount, and even then not without the help of caring fans. It's not a million, you know, but we have restored their memories in the same way as yours. This is also a big plus. Sooner or later, they will also collect their necessary funds, but your fan base turned out to be larger and more responsive.

- At least they're home again.. Kenneth feels much better and Jamie is finally with her mother..

- Hey, why are we talking about other girls right away, huh? And you also accused me of treason, but have laid eyes on a pretty robo-singer? Vivi perked up and laughed out loud.

- Deftly you change the subject, huh - smiled Alan.

- Now we are together again and nothing should spoil our mood, right? - the girl with a smile looked walker straight in his eyes.

- But I still want to know how they are, okay? We spent too much time together for me not to care about them.

- Just don't get hung up on it. They are now also independent individuals, and not someone's property, right?

- You're right, dear, - Alan ran his hand over the girl's cheek, - now I can start .. continue my life without someone else's interference in it. The dog at that time began to whine gently at the feet of the owner. Everything is back to normal. Now Walker could return to the world of music, fame and social networks again. He became one with his fans again, spent time with friends, wrote music for himself and released tracks on his own behalf. Could he really feel life as it was again? It seemed that he, like a phoenix, rose from the ashes, resurrected and shone.

This morning the sun shone especially brightly, flooding the room with a soft warm light. Standing next to each other, two chairs bathed in these gentle rays were turned to the window. To the left sat a woman, longingly looking out the window. She watched everything that happens, realizing how strong the world has changed over the past fifty years. She realized that her strength was slowly leaving her every day and very soon she would have to leave this world, leaving her lover here. Alan slowly approached her from behind, holding out a glass of water. One careless move and water would have spilled onto his wrist, causing a circuit, but that was the last thing on his mind at the moment. The woman took the glass and the guy went around the back of the chair, sat on it and took Viivi's hand. He knew exactly what was going on, but didn't want to realize it at all. He made an eye contact with the girl who was always by his side even in the most difficult moments, and he did not want to let her down in the same situation. Be that as it may, he loved everything about her: her features, her soft hair, and her gentle hands. He wouldn't want to be here without her for anything in the world. Alan watched Niemi slowly sipping water from a glass while looking out the window, and later joined in the activity himself. They sat silently, watching all the bustle of this mortal world.

Breaking news, DJ Alan Walker has left us today. He chose to leave this world with his wife, whose time was already coming to its end, asking him not to change his battery anymore and not to turn him on. He is probably the only person who has died twice. 

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