Addendum 2, Did you mean "genius"?

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On this day, the entire sky was covered with a dense veil of gloomy clouds. The close location of the base to the sea made itself felt: now it was getting incredibly cold, especially if you were wearing only a thin white shirt. Lily sat outside, exposing her face to the cold currents of air. Weak sunlight, breaking through the clouds, illuminated the emaciated, sincerely unhappy face of the girl, dark uncut hair, her exhausted look. After so much time, she had already lost hope of leaving the walls of the concentration camp. Here, among hundreds of her associates, she was so lonely. Not a single soul to ease her plight. The girl sat, knowing well that tomorrow she and 10 other people would be sent to a genetic laboratory, the chances of getting out alive and staying in your mind were zero. Any escape attempt would be a waste of time, especially when you are being watched 24/7 by armed guards, for example, right now they were standing watching every prisoner. Lily wished she had at least one chance.. And then, not far from the western side of the fence, something made a loud crack, similar to someone sharply stepping on broken glass with a boot. The guard turned in the direction of the sound and when it repeated they rushed from their place, heading towards the noise. The girl looked in their direction, puzzled, when she heard the sound of a key turning in the lock near the southern entrance to the concentration camp. A tall guy in black clothes, slightly opening the door, beckoned her with a gesture in his direction. The girl, quickly jumping up from her seat, ran up to the guy, when he grabbed her by the hand, opened the door and ran, literally dragging the girl along with him towards the ruined capital.

- W-who are you.. What are you d-doing? - Lily asked, not at all believing her sudden happiness.

- I'm saving you, dummy, don't you understand? - the young man looked at her with anger, continuing to pull her wrist

The girl turned around to look at the open door of the area she had just run out of and broke into a wide smile, her eyes were filled with tears. She is free. But then she turned her head back, shouting anxiously to her benefactor: "Why hasn't anyone else run away but us, the door is opened?" And then they were ahead of a huge metal structure. RX-8 drone blocked their way. The girl hesitated in fright, she knew perfectly well what this thing was and how "pleasant" it would be from it to receive a portion of the laser directly into the chest. "Get down!" the guy shouted, keeping a calm expression, Lily, with a slight delay, obediently followed the instruction of her assistant. The guys quickly slipped under the mechanism, after which they continued to move at their usual pace. The hulking drone slowly turned around and began to pursue them in order to hunt them down and incinerate them.

- Hell, they're back quickly. My distraction didn't last long. Those assholes racked us down, - roared out of breath guy.

The girl, unable to answer him, simply continued to try to move her legs, but soon they began to get confused. Several times Lily was close to falling, but again and again she took control of herself

- Please.. stop.. I can't .. can run anymore, - the girl's eyes grew dark from hunger and she lost her orientation in space.


- Save yourself.. I have.. no more strength, - the girl said before she completely lost control of her body and collapsed to the ground. Her stomach and her legs ached, her head was spinning, gradually clouding her mind.

-No, no, no, please continue, you can do it, - Lily heard before she passed out. At that moment, her exhausted brain was no longer able to perceive any information.

The girl woke up in a dimly lit room, she was lying on a cloth bedding, her head was wrapped in bandages soaked in cold water. Next to her was the same guy who was holding her wrist.. Did they succeed?

- Finally, you came to your senses. How are you feeling? - asked the guy, looking her straight in the eyes.

- I'm fine.

- I don't think so. Here, - the guy said, holding out a piece of bread to her, - I will share my portion with you, you need it more.

- Where did you get .. - the girl accepted the offer and rolled over on her side.

Since the walkers were mostly nomadic, they did not have the opportunity to sow the fields and harvest every year, and therefore bread was a rarity. Fast-growing vegetables were much more popular. In addition, they are much more satisfying than wheat.

- I have my connections. And you, as far as I know, do too.

- Are you saying that you personally know walker #0? - asked Lily, slowly chewing a piece of white bread

- Yes, just like you.

- Oh, - the girl thought, - and, by the way, where am I?

- You are on the territory of our base on the outskirts of Tallinn. Don't worry, you're safe, - the guy carefully removed the bandages from her head.

After a short pause, the girl continued the dialogue.

- Why did you save me?

- I don't know, - the young man replied calmly.

- Well, was it an order or your personal initiative? - asked the girl, slightly rising.

- Rather, my personal initiative. You see, I was supposed to get from you a note, but the moment I saw you, I knew I couldn't leave you there. Your face, which lost all hope, seemed to me so aloof, but at the same time begging for help. I just couldn't do otherwise. I distracted the guards, stole the keys and opened the door. 

-  By the way, here it is. You can read if you want. But I don't think it makes sense anymore.

- Thank you

- But how could you get me here without getting hit by a drone gun?

- Using my hands, how else. I tried so hard not for you to be brought back, - the guy smiled, - and the drone soon turned off. These colossus only look impressive. In fact, they hold a charge for quite a short time.

Lily smiled, looking into the eyes of her savior with trust.

- You know, after all I would like to know your name, pretty lady. So what's your name? - the guy asked with a sweet smile after a short pause

- I'm Lily Cadieux or walker #28300, and you?

- I'm Walker #22, you can call me Yordan. Yordan Kostov.

- You know what, #22? - the girl asked, taking a sitting position and thereby approaching her interlocutor a little, - you are such a jerk

- Did you mean "genius"? - The guy smiled broadly and hugged her tightly.

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