Part 2, Studio Life

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Over the years, the "Golden Trio" has performed in different conditions, on different stages, and in different countries. Gradually they also provided a main working place. Each had a small studio and everyone had a common one. They were allowed to do many things, but many things were forbidden. In their studio they could hang pictures and posters and even paint on the walls. The most important thing is that the music created here must be liked by people and bring money. They could have a small fan gathering after shows and take a break, but being a robot they didn't need to rest, they just changed their batteries. Access to a vast amount of external information has been prohibited. A logical consequence of the previous rule was a ban on leaving the studio on their own. They were pretty content with their lives, if you can call it like that. They have long been accustomed to working together, concerts, staff, equipment and each other. The only thing that was quite difficult to adapt to was the night. Before dispersing into the rooms, the organization's employees turned off the robots and charged their batteries. Of course, they were charged, but the batteries were not removed for this. No one bothered to press both buttons: responsible for interacting movements and sensors, and the one for collecting and processing information. For them it was enough that the mechanism was stuck, and it would take too long to search for a second button somewhere under the cover of their backs and knock out their minds without an urgent need. It seemed pointless. As a result, the guys heard and felt everything, but could do nothing and had no chance to move or make noise. I don't think you'd enjoy being numb for hours, dozens of hours. Sometimes they broke down and even while they couldn't feel the pain, they still panicked. Despite their artificial minds, they experienced nearly the full spectrum of human emotions, yet knew or remembered very little of human life and nature. They had very distorted notions of pain and death, love and hate, happiness and sorrow. They were nothing more than machines doing direct work. The staff was about the same image as a team of musicians. They followed their duties not to come into close contact with robots, as if they had no regard for their individuality. Not surprising.

On July 5, 2021, at 7:11 a.m., Ben was sitting at his desk in his office cleaning the old pistol that his uncle, who was a shooter, gave him long ago. Even while the young man had never used this pistol, he always wore it under his jacket and wanted to always see it in the best possible way. The morning sun illuminated the room with solid walls, from which Ben's eyes burned, but not a single muscle in his face flinched, and the man did not even squint his eyes. Nothing could distract him from such an important, responsible and joyful task. The door of the production room was knocked quickly and precisely three times, and the door opened with a small creak. Jan Livey was standing in the doorway holding a folder of documents. A stream of sunlight came through the Chinese's square glasses and made him close his eyes, quickly tossing the file on the table. When Ben glanced at his first page, there was text printed on a sheet of paper, in the corner of which was a picture of a girl with blonde hair.

- A resume? - Ben said indifferently, examining the cleaned weapon.

- That's right - the man adjusted his glasses and replied - a new mechanic. Livey spoke very quickly and clearly without hesitation. Although English was not his native language, he seemed to speak English better than a native speaker.

- I'll review it later. -The producer responded in the same abstract way, considering how metal glows in the sun.

- No need to review it. She has already been hired by the boss. She has passed all professional training, checks and instructions. You just need to meet her. Gonzalez was very surprised and even outraged by these news. Without his participation, a new worker was hired to repair the most important mechanisms under his responsibility in his entire life. But he had no intention of going against the will of his superior. Moreover, Ben trusted his choice.

- Should I take her to you? She will arrive at 5. - Jan broke the silence.

- Yes, you should.. you definitely should!

Now his thoughts were filled with other things. Specifically, with a new girl. She arrived on time. Her long golden hair was tied up in a ponytail. Jan pretended not to care, but felt a sort of curiosity, so he often glanced at the new worker and at her face with interest. The girl stood in front of the door with the words, "Producer's room" written. But the girl's attention was already attracted by a completely different inscription "For the future" above the door. So.. painfully familiar. But she girl knew what she was going into. The door opened, inviting her inside. 

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